Birthdays, X-mas, and Extra Moodswings...

Aug 09, 2007 19:56

I'm on a heavy moodswing right now so continue reading at your own discretion. If you get offended, hate to say, but screw you, I'm too pissed off at everything for practically no reason but a God damn period that won't die without pissing me off in the process.

So.. Uteng and I went out with Lauren last night for her birthday dinner, and I have to admit, we got quite lucky. Uteng almost had to drive his father to get and M.R.I. and almost had to do the translating. That would've pretty much left me and Lauren to have dinner ourselves until Uteng practically begged for us to wait or reschedule the dinner yet again. Personally, I wanted to get it done tonight that way I knew for sure she would've gotten her gift since being under her parents constant vigilance makes her schedule so unpredictable. How Uteng didn't understand this, I myself don't get. I can leave her a message one week, and she will not reply for three. Eesh. Not too hard of a concept, right? -_- But either way, I managed to leave a message in the morning regarding the issue, and for Uteng's gratefulness, she agreed to wait. Thankfully, we got luckier as the day went on. It turned out that Uteng didn't have to take his father to the doctors, and somehow his supposedly useless brother who's always "busy" was able to take his father. Yay! -.-

Anyway, I, on the other hand, didn't find out that news until around 6:30 while I was still shopping with Lauren. I offered her a little bit of an outing before we had dinner since I was willing to bet she wanted out of that house for as long as she could. Of course, I had to leave and rush back to the dorm so I could get her gift [as I didn't want it ruined on the subway] and so that Uteng could get me there. I told him to start coming once I got to the dorm, but low and behold, Mr. Efficient was already there waiting for me. Kinda cute, but that meant a little extra rushing on my part. *sigh*

For dinner we went off to the Sahara Grill down on Walnut, and I have to admit, I love that place. The food is soooo good, and it's pretty decently priced for about 10-14 bucks a plate. Of course, you get a lot of quality and freshness right before that meal too. Yum.

Well, after dinner, and after sharing baklava with Uteng, it was back to the car we went to open up Lauren's gifts. We got her a Chinese style tea set along with a Japanese "porno" sake set as a gag. Why do I say this sake set was "porno"? Because it literally was. The contents of the set are probably too graphic to describe for this journal...

Well, that was certainly a fun time. Now, I feel as though I'm rotting in hell and wading in a pile of donkey shit. -____- I hate these stupid mood swings, and no matter what I do to cheer myself up, nothing works. I tried walking around for a bit; it only made me more pissy, and I tried to make my X-mas list and 21st B-day list. You'd think if I wrote down something on those two holidays I could look forward to, it would help, but it didn't either. So much for "looking towards a brighter future" isn't it? Ugh. But since I doubt it's too early, I may as well post it up for the world to see.

X-mas Wish List:

Miffy Doll
Romantic Dinner with Uteng [candlelit damnit!!]


21st B-day Wish List [Now here comes the impossible stuff]:

Weekend at the Waldorf Astoria or some other 5 star spot in New York.

Go to New York with Uteng and do all the stuff that he and pretty much everyone and everything else wouldn't let me do.. Minus strip clubs. -__-
~ Go to nice restaurant and bar.
~ Get a drink/cocktail just for the heck of excercising my new privilege.
~ Go clubbing/bar hopping.
~ Go visit Kinokuniya again.
~ Go to Times Square.
~ Definitely bring a friend or two for the ride.
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