*Howls* Stabbing Pain in the Wallet

Mar 15, 2006 14:39

So, after ending last term the only student in Wolverhampton (well, nearly) still in the black. By, oh say, Eight Hundred Squids What do you mean your council doesn't pay you in cephalopods?. This term i decided to strike out for new ground, maybe try going for broke.

Yup, Waterstones has just had the mother of all deliveries of dodgy-ass manga! *does the Manga Fangirl dance* Mmm... debit card burnout!

For i am a bad Dobby *hits self with mouse* Bad Dobby! Who has made big hole in their bank-balance *cries* *with pleasure at all the nummies* Which are as follows:

Kazuya Minekura's 'Saiyuki' manga - (mmm... eXtreme Journey to the eXtreme West, with the many angsty, gay, bishis! And the character profiles just feed this stuff, man: "there's a chance he's the straight man, but that's open to debate." - i'll say! "he seems to be searching for someone in particular, and it's not necessarily a woman." *snorts like the slasher i am*)

Oh! And there's a translating chart in the back... to translate the SOUND EFFECTS!!! Holy Bo-staffs, Batman! *giggles insanely*
*whilst making Ban! Don! Goh! noises under my breath*

The 'Battle Royale' manga - (which i am reserving fangirly judgement on, artwork & adaptation could be iffy...)

And something called 'The Demon Ororon' - (which, hands down, is shounen ai {hey, maybe even yaoi} however much they try and tell me one of the characters is a girl *pfft*)

i manfully restrained (and by "restrained" i mean "will be popping back in next week for") from buying one called, no word of a lie, 'Eerie Queerie' - the front cover showed half a dozen astonishingly effeminate young men. The blurb described them as theatre students, i would have done the same only i'd have arched, both brow and voice, whilst saying "theatre students" *nudgenudge winkwink saynomore*

And the other day (cheapo, and from ASDA) i got:

A Doctor Who tie-in novel - 'Only Human' (unfortunately, i reckon fanfic is better value for money),

A Buffy tie-in novel - 'Blood & Fog' (Lots a gratuitous Ye Olde Spike&Dru! & v. slashy, 'specially Willow & Buffy)

Speaking of, i went a bit mad in ASDA the other day and bought TOFU, LEMONGRASS MUSH, SOY SAUCE, AND PRAWNS (the prawns were on offer, tho) and then had THE WORLD'S BEST PRAWN AND TOFU STIR-FRY! ZOMGZ!!!! i even managed to poison episkopos with it (on second thoughts, that could have been the dodgy pint we both had - it was free... but dodgy *le sigh*). But, i now own TOFU, LEMONGRASS MUSH & SOY SAUCE - so it was all of the good.

Might even go to the gym in a bit...

ETA: HaHA! *breaks spellchecker* *cackles*

books, pimpin'

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