*coff coff* oh, and Stargate

Mar 29, 2006 14:08

So why the Hell is everyone north of Crewe dying of some winter stomach bug thing? Most of Yorkshire is off with it, and i've just had it, but everyone Down South seems to have escaped it.

Lucky them.

Coughing 'til i'm sick and then being sick 'til i can't be sick no more = not my idea of a fun time. And i wasn't even trying to lose weight, so i could've done fine without the weeklong starvation diet.

It did, however, give my chance to read Fog on the Clyde tho. ajhalluk's magnificent foray into 'Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow' territory.

Ok, pimpin' time. stop's SG1 for slashers, a beginner's guide is CRACK (thanks to crossbow1 for bringing it to my attention) notable for such gems of wisdom as:

Daniel's accidental marriage to Sha're and and why it does not mean he is heterosexual

The Goa'uld And You:
Apparently the difference between a penis and snake that controls your brain is sadly, not that much.

JAFFA are enslaved by the GOA'ULD. This is BAD. This means that they cannot be free Jaffa, and run through the fields of their planets, naked, skipping and having the sexx0r. - *sings* Born FREEEEE, as FREEEE as the WIND BLOWS. As FREEEEE as the GRASS GROWS. FREE to FOLLOW YOUR HEART. *is stopped singing*

Because Daniel can't stay away from Jack's ass or saving the galaxy, the Ancients get pissy (see "non interference policy") and they kick him out of the higher planes club. So in season 7, he's back! And he comes back naked.

(The Ancients are totally gay for Daniel.)

Jack O'Neill: is commander of team, and also brings the snark. occasionally seduces alien women when Daniel is busy.

Daniel-whoomping is when something bad happens to Daniel. A rough count of Daniel deaths stands at something like 12 times. Oh, he's just so emo.

and some very good insights into Cameron's behaviour and motivations:

Cameron is really bad at: not overtly flirting with Daniel and Teal'c. It's like Don't Ask, Don't Tell got repealed just because he has a pretty ass.

Jack gets promoted to whatever continuity whatever and SG1 dissolves into tears of sadness and woe without their big cream-filled gay center. Everybody goes and gets new jobs, and Teal'c is way bored because without Jack he can't find the ring where warriors wrestle in jello.

THEN, CAMERON TAKES OVER FOR JACK and through a judicious use of blackmail and obvious hot sex0rring, he manages to get the band back together.

All true, all true.

Here Endeth the Pimp.

Ok, am i the only one who can't tell the dif between the two white boys (aka: Col. Cameron Mitchell & Dr Daniel Jackson) in

or, like, ever. Really. (and nobody say anything about the other two in the picture - i can spot the dif between a buff MILF and a buff black bloke, thanks.)

stargate, pimpin'

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