You Are My Light (Chapter 2)

Jun 07, 2011 15:51

Title: You Are My Light
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Anthony has a nightmare about Ian. Ian sees him stressed out so he takes him out to L.A. for the day.
A/N: I really want to go to California for the summer. So my desire to go there is written in this chapter. :P My chapters are getting longer. Hope you guys don't mind! Enjoy chapter 2, tell me what you guys think!
Disclaimer: My dream is to own Smosh! :D (justkidding.)

Chapter Two

Whenever he was furious, he would turn into a monster. A monster so terrifying, you'd literally have to run for your life. A monster that will do anything to punish you. A monster, you'd think was not ever possible, you would never be afraid of, that would be your best friend.
The skies were gray, the air was thick. The fog was suffocating. The raindrops pounded into the ground like hail. Anthony was protecting himself with all his might. He was sweating, panting, watching his life flash right before his own eyes. He was terrified, begging for his life.
"Ian, you don't want to do this!" Anthony cried out.
Ian's head was drooping. His wet brown hair was covering his raging eyes. The veins in his arms were bulging out of his pale skin. His shirt was sticking to his body. He was silent. His heavy, uneven breathing was loud and scary. "You said you would always be there for me..." 
"I am!" Anthony yelled. "I always have!"
"Shut the fuck up!" Ian slowly raised his head. He shot his burning blue eyes at his best friend. He really did look like a monster. "You and your fucking lies..."
Anthony had no where to run. He was up against a tall, gray wall, with no guide, no protection, no hope. "Ian, please..."
Ian raised his heavy arm and targeted his best friend's chest with a gun. A tear ran down his lonely face. "Farewell, you sick bastard..." He pulled the trigger.
The internal sound of the gun shot made Anthony scream in terror. His eyes shot right open. He quickly moved his eyes around his room to see peaceful sun rays coming from his window and the clean crisp paint on the white walls. Instead of intense silence, he heard the birds singing wonderfully outside. Anthony slowly sat up on his bed and wiped the sweat off his forehead. He threw his blankets to the ground because he was burning. He held on to his chest, trying to calm his beating heart. He took a moment to relax his tensed muscles and let out a big breath of relief. 
He ran a hand through his fluffy bed hair. "Why..." He whispered.

Anthony fixed his hair and got dressed in a Mario & Luigi graphic-T and black basketball shorts. He took his crutches leaning against his computer desk and headed out to the hallway. He arrives to the living room to see Ian watching Spongebob.
"Hey, man." Ian greeted with a smile. 
"Oh, hey." Anthony said passively. He went to the kitchen and reached for the cabinet to get a bowl. He placed his crutches against the kitchen counter and stood on one foot to do his task.
"Do you need help?" Ian called over.
"No, I'm fine." Anthony said. He grabbed a blue plastic bowl and he accidentally dropped another bowl on to the floor. He was about to pick up the bowl, but his unbalanced body knocked over the crutches. He groaned under his breath with annoyance. 
"Yeah, you do." Ian remarked. He got up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen area. He knelt down and grabbed Anthony's crutches off the ground. He also grabbed the fallen bowl and put it back into the cabinet. 
Anthony was watching his best friend's act of kindness. He was so grateful to have him by his side when he needed someone.
Ian handed the crutches to Anthony and looked at the top of the refrigerator. "Which cereal do you want?" 
"Honest Nut Cheerios." 
Ian grabbed one of the several cereal boxes they had, almost empty. He opened the refrigerator and took out a full gallon of fresh fat-free milk. Ian poured in the cereal and milk into the bowl and pulled out a drawer for a spoon. He gathered the bowl and placed it on the dinner table. He then pulls out a chair for Anthony to sit on. 
"Thank you." Anthony walked his way to the table and sat down. 
"No problem, man. That's what I'm here for." Ian smiled. He glanced at his forehead. "Hey, your wound is disappearing." Ever since the car accident, Anthony was reluctant about leaving the house. One, he was embarrassed about having a white bandage around his head in public that he almost looked like a mummy, and two, he didn't want to freak out little children. Ian thought he was being ridiculous, but he didn't argue about it. And when it came to filming Lunchtime w/ Smosh, Ian was always behind the wheel for fast food restaurants. They didn't have much options anyway.
"Oh yeah." Anthony took a bite out of his cereal. "I don't need bandages anymore."
"So do you want to finally get out of the house and do something fun?" Ian asked, excitedly. Most of the time, he had to stay in the house with Anthony in case he collapsed or something. He just wasn't the master at walking with crutches.
"Sure." Anthony smiled. "Where do you wanna go?" 
"L.A.!" Ian said immediately.
Anthony choked a little on his cereal. "Dude, we're going there in a few weeks for the commercial. Why go now?"
"We're only going to be there for business." Ian said. "We won't have time to have fun while we're there."
"What can I do at the beach with a sprained ankle?" Anthony inquired.
"Who says we're going to the beach?" Ian questioned. "They just opened a bunch of new shops on the boardwalk."
The way Ian made his puppy face, Anthony obviously couldn't say no to such an adorable face. His cheeks got rosy. "Alright." He smiled.

The boys packed a few snacks, water bottles, the flip camera, and extra cash for lunch. During the 2 hour drive to L.A., the boys cranked up the music and let the car windows down. They played a few games involving other drivers, making such fools out of themselves. Anthony held on to the flip camera most of the trip there. He filmed the endless fields of pink trees and the epic mini adventure of merging. He even asked a few of their fans to ask them questions they could answer during the long drive. The boys decided this will be another episode of Ian is Bored. They agreed to take a break from opening fan mail, even though post-office bins were taking up their entire garage. 
The boys finally arrived to the boardwalks and beaches in L.A., the busiest and most crowded places during the summer. The families relaxed on the hot burning sand and the children played in the cool salty ocean waters. College kids played beach volleyball and Ultimate Frisbee and tourists shopped the outlets. The carnival was in town, too.
Ian did his best to find a parking spot closest to the boardwalk so that Anthony wouldn't have to walk too far. But he said he was fine walking a few blocks. As Ian was searching around for an empty spot, Anthony stuck his head out the window and took a good long view of L.A.'s amazing scenery. The hot summer air filled his nose and the wind blew against his soft brown hair. The sky was clear blue and cloudless and the bright yellow sun beamed down on his face. Anthony was so glad he agreed to Ian's plan of coming here. The next time they were going to be in L.A., he won't be able to enjoy this feeling for a while. 
Ian finally found a parking spot by the hotels, not far from the beach. The boys grabbed their back-packs, the crutches, and headed for the boardwalks. "Are you excited as I am?" Ian wouldn't stop jumping like a little kid. 
"Let's go!" Anthony smiled as warmly as the sun shone.

The day in L.A. went awesome. Ian and Anthony got to win a few prizes from the carnival games. They got to eat at one of the finest pizzerias in California. They got enough funny footage on their flip camera for the Ian Is Bored episode. They even got to take a few pictures with fans who were at the boardwalks, too. There was one particular carnival game Ian really wanted to try out. The objective of the game is to hit a moving target with a baseball. Ian was one of the best pitchers in the little league when he was a kid and he wanted to see if he still had the skills. The guy who ran the carnival game gave Ian three baseballs. His first throw completely missed the circular target board.
"Just warming up." Ian remarked. Anthony just smirked at him. 
The second throw only hit the side of the target. Ian dramatically prepared his third baseball. He threw it with great force and completely knocked the target board. Anthony laughed at his victory dance. The guy gave him a silly hat as the prize.
"Let me try." Anthony announced. He placed his crutches against the game booth and received three baseballs. He put slight pressure on his sprained ankle to gain balance. His first and second throw only hit the wall behind the moving target. With his third baseball, he was figuring out the pattern of the target's movements. 
"Hit it as hard as you can!" Ian called from behind. 
Anthony took his advice and pulled the baseball back. He threw it with all his strength, but the sudden fast movement of his body caused him to fall backwards. "Ah!"
Ian caught his fall under Anthony's arms. His head rested on his stomach. He looked up and smiled. "Thanks." 
Ian smiled back. He lifted Anthony back up to his one foot. 
"Congratulations, man." The guy behind the game booth handed him a different colored silly hat to Anthony. Anthony hit the moving target perfectly.
"We match now!" Ian laughed. 
Anthony took the hat and got his crutches. "We gotta take a picture." 
Ian asked a woman watching her son throwing the baseball at the moving target to take a picture of them. Ian had his arm around Anthony's shoulder and Anthony held a peace sign. They smiled for the camera and it was the perfect photo of their day in L.A.

Ian suddenly got excited when they passed the Hot Topic shop on the boardwalk. "Wait here, okay?"
"Okay." Anthony said. He watched Ian walk merrily into the shop. He leaned against the metal boardwalk railings. The sun was setting down and it created a magnificent, vivid stream of warm colors across the sky. The summer hot air cooled down. Most of the people who spent the whole day at the beach began to go home. The lights began to light up at the carnival, sparkling the atmosphere with many bright colors to contrast the dark sky. Anthony thought it was too beautiful to capture it on the flip camera.
Ian came back from the store with a smile on his face.
"What did you get?" Anthony questioned.
"Oh, nothing." Ian said quite suspiciously. He checked his Android phone. "It's almost 7. Should we start getting home?"
"Hm." Anthony looked around the boardwalk. Many people were walking towards the carnival. He pointed to the tall, colorfully lit ferris wheel. "Let's go up there."
Ian looked up at the ferris wheel, then back at Anthony. "Heights aren't my thing, dude."
"Come on. We'll ride on this, then we'll go." Anthony encouraged. Ian was a bit reluctant. Anthony patted him on the back. "Trust me, man."
He gave him a reassuring smile and Ian finally said, "Okay."

On the way to the top of the ferris wheel, Ian was sitting across from Anthony and was holding on to the cart they sat in with his dear life. Anthony couldn't stop giggling at his mini freak outs whenever the cart swayed back and forth at a pit stop. 
They were finally at the very top of the ferris wheel. Ian took a moment to repeat the words I'm on the ground to himself.
"Today was awesome, Ian." Anthony suddenly said. "It's what I needed for a while now."
Ian relaxed his shoulders and smiled at him. "I could tell."
Ian gazed into the warm horizon. "You seemed stressed out ever since the car accident. I felt like you needed a break."
Anthony sat back into the cart seat and aerial viewed the boardwalks. "I had a nightmare last night."
Ian turned his head. The sunset brought out the sparkle in Anthony's dark brown eyes.
"I had a nightmare that you were mad at me." Anthony's eyes soften. "And you killed me."
Ian raised an eyebrow. "Why was I mad at you?"
"Because I lied to you. And I wasn't there for you. For something." Anthony said. "And it scared the living crap out of me."
"Come on, dude." Ian couldn't help but chuckle. "You lie sometimes. I would never kill you for it, though. I'm no psychopathic monster."
Anthony smirked. "Thank God."
Ian rustled around his back-pack and took out a small plastic bag. He took out whatever was in it and clenched it into his palm. He leaned forward and opened his hand. "Here." It was a necklace and attached to it was Link's sword from the Legend of Zelda. 
"This is so awesome." Anthony said surprised. "You got this for me?"
"You know." Ian smiled embarrassingly. "It's not much, but it's just a thank-you gift for spending the day with me on a sprained ankle."
"I like it a lot." Anthony put the necklace around his neck. It fit perfectly. 
Ian's smile shone the night sky. Anthony gazed into his crystal blue eyes. They were like diamonds; they sparkled the night. He leans in, lifts his best friend's chin and lands his lips on top of his. Ian was not used to Anthony's surprise kisses, but that doesn't mean he didn't enjoy them. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to immerse in his kiss. His cheeks burned, his stomach flipped by the butterflies, and his heart beat a thousand times faster. Anthony pulls Ian's head closer for a deeper kiss. It felt amazing and wonderful. Being high up in the ferris wheel and the cool summer wind gently flowing against them added the perfect touch to such a perfect kiss.
They parted a little to catch their breath. 
"People who know us would have freaked if they saw us, you know." Ian commented. 
"Yeah." Anthony smirked. He leaned his forehead against his best friend's and held on to his necklace. "I'm always here for you, man. Remember that."
Ian smiled as warm as his best friend's heart. "Thank you."


my, you, fanfic, light, are, smosh, pg-13

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