You Are My Light (Chapter 3)

Jun 22, 2011 21:58

Title: You Are My Light
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ian and Anthony have a discussion about their status after some guy was hating on them on their videos.
A/N: Finals are over! Whoo! Now I have a lot more time to work on future chapters. This chapter might be a little confusing. Tell me what you guys think, though! Enjoy!
Disclaimer: You know the drill~

Chapter Three

"Salmon or tuna?" Ian and Anthony were in a supermarket on a rainy day trying to decide what to buy for dinner. 
"I don't know." Anthony watched the lobsters hanging out in a fish tank. "Whichever tastes good."
"They both taste good." Ian looked up and down the long display of dead fish. "I've found recipes online. I don't know which one is easier to cook though."
"Well, which recipe is easier to follow?" Anthony asked.
"They're both easy to follow." Ian answered. He put a finger to his chin.
"Why can't we just get something from In & Out?" Anthony asked impatiently. "A juicy cheeseburger sounds so good right now."
"We've had nothing but fast food for the past two weeks, dude. Let's be healthy for once." Ian stated. Anthony rolled his eyes. "Besides, I gained weight so." 
Anthony poked his small tummy. "I don't like fish though."
"Come on." Ian pointed to the raw salmon for the fish guy to wrap up. "Salmon teriyaki. It'll be good."
"Alright. Whatever makes you happy, I'm happy." Anthony gave a quick kiss on Ian's stubby cheek. Ian backed away immediately as a reflex with his face bright red.
"Dude!" Ian whispered. He glanced over to the fish guy if he saw anything, but his back was turned. He also looked around for people if they were watching them. Ian sighed in relief that everyone was doing their own business. "What if someone saw us? Geez."
"Then we'll just give 'em a little show." Anthony smiled that was just so attractive.
Ian turned his attention back to the fish, trying not to smile back. "Weirdo."
They bought the salmon and got a few vegetables off of the shopping list. Anthony was flirting with a hot blonde cashier trying to make Ian jealous. He was more impressed at how Anthony was good at being a flirt. The blonde kept giggling at his extremely corny pick-up lines. Ian could tell she was flattered.  
"She definitely wants me in her pants." Anthony said as they were walking out of the supermarket. 
"I bet she thought you were just being an idiot." Ian said. "Gonna call her tonight?"
Anthony held a piece of paper that had the blonde's phone number on it. "Probably."
Ian glanced at him. "It's not working, you know. I'm not jealous."
"I'm not trying to." Anthony smirked. 
Ian shook his head and continued looking for his car. Anthony deviously smiled behind him.
"Oh, my gosh. Is that Smosh?" Someone said behind them. Ian and Anthony turned to see two teenage girls merrily running towards them. "Like, no way! This is just too cool!" One of the girls said. 
"Hey, what's up?" Ian and Anthony happily greeted. 
"You guys are so awesome! I just... oh, my gosh. This is so amazing!" The girl was trying to contain her excitement. "I am such a big fan. I love your all videos!"
"Haha, thanks. We try our best to make you guys laugh." Ian smiled. The girl let out a tiny squeal after seeing his cute smile.  
"Is your ankle feeling better, Anthony?" She asked.
"Oh, yeah. I should be walking on my own in no time." Anthony said. The girl's smile stretched from ear to ear. Her smile slowly disappeared after her friend whispered something to her.
"You don't know Smosh? Gosh, you're missing out, Kelly." The girl sighed. 
"Yeah, Kelly. Get with the program!" Ian agreed. The girl's laughed. 
"Wait." A quizzical expression appeared on Kelly's face. "Aren't you the guys who had the videos that caused a lot of controversy?" 
"Huh?" Ian and Anthony both said.
"What controversy?" Anthony asked.
"There's this guy who's been going through all your videos commenting you guys are gay or something." Kelly explained.
Ian's eyes slightly widened.
"There's always people saying that kind of stuff." Anthony said. "They're just trying to grab attention to themselves."
"People started to defend you guys and stuff just happened." Kelly explained. "It was just crazy."
Ian and Anthony looked at each other.
"That guy made it kind of convincing, though..." Kelly said. 
"Does that mean you believe him?" Her friend asked quickly. "He's just a guy being a total jerk."
"I don't know." Kelly answered. "All I do is follow Twitter and I just see things is all." 
"Uh, please excuse us!" The girl grabbed her friend's shoulders and turned her around. "It was nice meeting you guys!" 
Ian and Anthony awkwardly waved at them as they walked away. They could overhear their little banter as they walked off. Kelly's friend looked at her and couldn't believe what she said to the Smosh boys.
The boys finally got to the car and Anthony threw his crutches in the backseat. 
"This is bad." Ian said. He turned his key in the ignition. "We're gonna have a bad reputation now that people are suspecting something."
Anthony closed his car door and went onto Twitter on his iPhone. "Dude, calm down. It honestly can't be that bad." 
Ian rested his head on the head rest of the seat and glanced over to Anthony. "You think?"
"Totally." Anthony answered. "I see this happen all the time. We have our loyal fans that fight them off."
"Still though." Ian sighed. "It may not be a big deal now. But it will be if this continues."
"Trust me, Ian." Anthony patted his best friend's knee. "For the sake of our rep, if this continues, we'll do something about it."
Ian wouldn't stop worrying, but he just held on to the steering wheel and said, "Alright."

The boys finally arrived to their house as the storm became heavy. They rushed inside and dried themselves from the rain. 
"Let's go check out what's happening on YouTube." Anthony said.
"Okay." Ian placed the grocery bags on the dinner table and followed Anthony to the computer room. Ian logged on to his IanH channel and they both went through several recent videos to find where this guy has been commenting. And it was true: this guy kept commenting with "THESE GUYS ARE GAY!" "They're a gay couple!" "Am I the only one who sees this? COME ON  PEOPLE." "ROFL these guys get it on at night." And then there are comments from fans saying, "GTFO THEIR VIDEOS, ASSHOLE." "Wow. This guy is so immature." "HATER ALERT." 
"What the hell is with this guy?" Ian questioned. "He's really pissing me off."
"Well, he only commented on a few videos and his comments have been flagged." Anthony scrolled down an endless page of comments. 
"That won't stop him from commenting, though." Ian said. "What instigated this whole fiasco anyway?"
"Then again," Anthony sat back in his computer chair. "We do look a little obvious..."
Ian slumped on the desk. 
"We should make a video," Anthony said. "Declaring we're not anything."
"Wouldn't we be lying?" Ian looked at him. Anthony looked back, quizzically. He was about to say something, but Ian sat up and continued. "Anthony, what are we..."
It was rare for both Ian and Anthony to be thinking the same situation at the same time. Anthony could feel an intense conversation building up and they were always awkward when it came to these kinds of talks. Both of them were trying to avoid this, but it's now or never.
"I'm just as confused as you are, Ian." Anthony started. "Most of the time I don't even know what we are. All I know is that we're best friends."
"I had a feeling you didn't know. At least you now know what I was going through when you know..." Ian coughed. "...I started to have feelings for you." He was still awkward about it, but not as much. 
Anthony's cheeks got rosy. He felt embarrassed, too, but he did his best to hide it by looking at the comments. "I have to admit, we are moving kind of fast. I'm just not used to this..."
Ian raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about, man? You kiss me like it's totally normal."
"I'm allowed to have doubts, right?" Anthony's big brown eyes wouldn't leave the screen. "Sometimes they're unintentional and other times, I feel like it's the right thing to do." 
Ian leaned in closer, trying to get Anthony's attention. "I'm not getting you."
"Look," Anthony said, feeling a little frustration coming in. "I'm just... I'm just scared, okay?"
"Scared?" Ian was taken back a bit. He thought to himself that he should be the one who's scared, not Anthony. 
"I'm scared of what people will think of me." Anthony sat back in his chair. "I mean, normally I could care less of people judging the way I act, especially when we do our videos. But the way I really am, it's scary. People are so used to seeing me confident and courageous with girls, if they knew what my status was, I wouldn't be able to live it down."
Ian had the ability to empathize with people, but this time, he felt like he really, truly knew his best friend. It wasn't often to hear Anthony talk this way. Ian always knew Anthony's brave personality. He never let anyone bring him down nor make him feel bad about himself. But hearing this, Ian felt like he discovered something totally new about his best friend. 
"You're scared of what people think of you, yet you still choose to be mushy with me, even in public." Ian stated. 
Anthony looked at Ian, a little confused, but nodded anyway.
"You're not scared to like me, though, are you?" Ian asked. 
Anthony shook his head. "No. I'm not." 
"I'm going through the exact same thing as you are, Anthony." Ian said reassuringly. "It's not like we're pros at this. I never thought I would like another guy in my life as well."
Anthony's face lightened. He never knew how good Ian was at reading minds. 
"Just because I like a guy, doesn't necessarily mean I'm gay, right?" Ian explained. "That goes for you, too."
Anthony mentally took notes in his head. He was actually impressed with Ian's logic. He could really act dumb, too. 
"However, that doesn't make me any less scared than you." Ian continued. "I try not to let people judge me. I really do. But as long as you're willing to be yourself, I should do the same, right? It just takes time." 
"That was the smartest thing I've ever heard you say, Ian." Anthony commented. 
"I know." Ian smirked. "I'm usually not this intelligent."
Anthony laughed. "But in order to be yourself, you'll have to deal with my crap. Got it?"
"I've had to deal with you since 6th grade." Ian remarked. "Can't be any more difficult."
Anthony playfully punched his arm. "No one needs to know then. For now."
"Definitely." Ian smiled. 
"Alright!" Anthony logged off from YouTube and stretched his back. "I'm starving. Go cook that salmon. It better be good!"
"Okay, okay." Ian started off out of the room. "You're cleaning the dishes, though!"
"Ugh, fine!" As soon as Ian merrily walked out of the room, Anthony held on to his Link's sword necklace and contently smiled to himself.


fanfic, smosh, pg-13

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