back to Australia and birthdays

Sep 21, 2006 19:28

Well, I'm still in the UK, but not for much longer, which is very exciting and hugely sad at the same time. Hard to believe its nearly been 10 months since I left Australia...and I'm back in two weeks! Well, first its my birthday on Sunday... that also doesn't feel real, but hey! I'm just going to take it quietly, have dinner with my two brothers and a friend or two, then probably meet some more friends for a night out. Then on Tuesday I'm off to Spain for a week...I'm just so glad that I'm actually getting out of England for a bit...Europe is so close, but I haven't been once so far! I'm going to visit a friend from Australia who is living there at the moment, and I have no idea what I'm going to be doing...I'm just taking each day as it comes, not planning much, and enjoying the rest of my time here!

Plans for next year are now looking much more like some more travel...because we are going into summer in Australia now, I can earn bits and pieces of money with fruit picking and things like that...a friend from England is coming out to Australia to travel, so I might visit some places with him... and hopefully back to Europe at least for a little. As always, the problem is money...but I have saved a bit while I've been here (a miracle really!) so hopefully that won't be all gone by the time I get back!

Ahhh...I've missed the fandom. I haven't been involved properly now for nearly a year, but then...thats life. Maybe while I'm at home for a few weeks, I can write and read a bit more. I haven't had the internet for two weeks at all...thats a long time to go without checking your email...especially when you are used to checking at least twice a day! But I find that I'm almost enjoying the silence on the email a way. Its immensely annoying that I'm having to write this in a internet cafe, and not on my computer...the keyboard is frustrating as hell!

Anyway, this is just a ramble really... I will be back online properly when I get back to Australia on the 7th, but I will be jet lagged and in all likelyhood, still hung over from my farewell party. Fun fun fun!

I hope that everyone is well, and Mere, can't check your journal, but I remember that you were in the process of selling your did that all go? Hopefully speak to you soon!

hugs all around, tash

travel, friends, england, australia, real life

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