Fic: "Its A Beautiful Feeling" - Harry/Draco

Mar 08, 2006 20:53

Well, the author's have finally been revealed in hpvalensmut and I'd like to say a huge thank you to swtalmnd who wrote me the most beautiful Harry/Snape story. Go and read it here if you can! I can now also post my contribution, which was written for hill_. Credit also has to go to the AWDT which provided me with a prompt...otherwise I don't think I would have gotton half as far with this. I loved writing this, it was a great experiance... maybe another exchange is on the books soon! Anyway, on with the story!


Title: It’s A Beautiful Feeling
Author: ashice_roses
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 2130
Pairings: Harry/Draco
Author's Note: Written for the wonderful artist hill_ for the hp_valensmut challenge. Hope you enjoy this… Happy Valentines Day! I made it as fluffy and with as much sex as possible…I mean, we love the love!
Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me, I just play with them when I want! Don’t make any money either, pleasure only. Please don’t sue!

It’s a beautiful feeling you get, when you look at someone and realise how totally and utterly you love them. Not that I’d ever be able to say that out loud.


“Harry, you’re an idiot you know!” Draco’s voice was tinged with laughter, as he took in the sight of his boyfriend, lying in a steadily growing puddle of water, with only his legs visible from under the sink. “What do you think you are doing?”

Harry’s voice was muffled. “I was trying to unblock the sink. It looked so simple in the book…but it’s not at all like the book under here! And I can hardly see a thing.”

“Well, that would be because you forgot to take the torch. Wait a minute…”

Harry sounded on the verge of panicking. “Can you please hurry? I think it might be falling apart on top of me!”

Draco sighed and stepped over to Harry’s side. He grabbed a tea towel, folded it over several times, and placed it on the floor beside Harry. Kneeling down, he grabbed the torch from where it was lying, and turned it on. “Okay, lets see what we can do.”

Draco had to laugh again when he shone the torch in, and Harry’s slightly panicked eyes gleamed back out at him. Harry was half lying, half leaning against the back wall of the cupboard, and the main drainage pipe from the sink was hanging off at an unusual angle, almost directly over Harry’s head. Somehow or other, Harry had also managed to tap into the cold water pipe that came up through the floor, which was the cause of the dampness soaking through Draco’s trousers at that very point.

“So,” Draco asked, “first off, did you manage to unblock it at all?”

At that, Harry smiled slightly and answered, “Yes. It was this.” He held up a soggy mass that was only just recognisable as -

“No! I can’t believe it. How on earth did Emma’s favourite toy get down our drain?”

“I know. Fred and Ange have been going crazy looking for it, Emma has been inconsolable for weeks. And it was the cause of all our problems!”

“How wonderfully ironic.” Draco chuckled again, and took the toy from Harry’s hand. “Ugh, that is disgusting.”

“Do you think you could help me here now?” Harry asked.

“Of course darling.” Draco smiled sweetly at Harry, and took out his wand.


Just like magic - which indeed it was - the drainpipe lifted up and reattached itself.


The leak in the water pipe stopped dripping.

Draco smiled at Harry again, who was now ever so slightly glaring at him. “You’ve spent too much time as a muggle darling, and as I’ve told you a million times before - you make a much better wizard.” He held out his hand, and Harry, with a slight grimace, took it. “Okay, out you come.”

Draco pulled Harry to him, once they had unbent him out of the cupboard, and wound his arms around Harry’s waist. Harry responded with a small but tender kiss to Draco’s lips.

“As much of a smug bastard as you are…thank you.” Harry said.

“Oh, smug bastard is it? Maybe I should reconsider that shower I was planning to have with you. Hmmm…”

Harry laughed and kissed Draco again. Harry’s lips were more demanding this time, and with a sigh Draco surrendered to the kiss, parting his lips to Harry’s probing tongue. Bodies pressed together, hands sliding under shirts, and Harry’s mouth was so warm…

As Draco pulled away, face flushed and breathing slightly harder than before, he caught Harry’s eyes. “Oh, alright, shower it is.”

Harry glanced down at the mess that was their kitchen floor. “What about all this?”

Draco sighed with expiration. “Again, what do you think this is for?” He held up his wand.

Harry sheepishly took his out. “Um, yes, I forgot again.”

“I don’t know when you’ll ever start remembering!”


It’s a beautiful feeling you get, when you look at someone and realise that their quirks only make you love them more. Not that I’d ever tell him that.


As Harry peeled the wet jeans off his legs, Draco, for the thousandth time, stood back and admired Harry. It wasn’t just that he was good looking - and he was - it was everything about Harry. He knew where that scar behind Harry’s knee had come from. He knew what that hair felt like in his fingers. He knew every single curve of Harry’s body almost better than he knew his own - and he loved that. So no, it wasn’t just that Harry was handsome. It was a lot more than that.

“Hey, what are you waiting for?” Harry called to Draco. He was completely naked now, and held out a hand for Draco to take. Draco let Harry pull him over, let Harry pull his shirt over his head, let Harry gently unbutton his trousers, and slip them down his legs.

Draco shook himself out of the trance he had almost worked himself into once he was naked. “Right, shower I think it is. You stink!” Harry grinned back at Draco, and together they walked over to the shower. Once inside, there was a jump as the initial cold water came out, then steam started to rise.

Draco pushed Harry under the hot water, and Harry closed his eyes and tipped his head back into the spray. Draco then stepped up and ran his hand over Harry’s wet torso. Harry’s eyes snapped open, but slammed shut as soon as the water ran into them. “Shit.” Draco could only laugh.

Harry soaped them both up, taking particular pleasure in running his hands over Draco’s arse. Draco just pressed himself into the caress, and kissed him.

The soap rinsed away slowly as they stood under the spray of the hot water. Draco felt as if he was melting from the slow slide of Harry’s tongue against his, from the feeling of water dripping down their faces and into their open mouths, from the brush of hot lips against his own.


It’s a beautiful feeling you get, when you kiss someone and you know you want to spend you’re whole life kissing them. Not that I’d ever tell him that.


Draco laughed as Harry started to tickle his feet. “Harry…no Harry! That’s not fair - oh, that’s really not…not…not…fair…” Draco sighed and stumbled to a halt, as his ability to speak became impaired.

Harry had worked his way up from the feet, and found Draco’s most sensitive piece of anatomy. Slowly, and with a wicked look in his eye, Harry licked slowly down Draco’s cock. A lick of his tongue around the head of the cock, and then the wickedly warm tip of Harry’s tongue dipped into the little slit near the top. Quickly after this Harry sucked the whole of the head into his mouth, and Draco’s hips arched slightly off the bed he was lying on.

“Harry…” Draco moaned.

“Mm hmm?” Harry responded, mouth still full of Draco’s fully hard cock, tongue deftly massaging the underneath.

“Harry…come up here.”

Harry released Draco's cock from his mouth, and Draco felt Harry’s whole body move over him, pressing their cocks together. Draco’s legs automatically raised up to clasp Harry’s waist. Harry rested slightly on his arms over Draco, and for a moment they just looked at each other. Then Harry groaned, and quickly pinned Draco to the bed with his whole body, hips thrusting slightly against Draco.

Their mouths met, lips opened, tongues wrestled and teeth clashed, in a violent, passionate kiss. Draco bit down on Harry’s lip, let it slide through his teeth, then opened his mouth to receive Harry’s tongue again.

Draco felt Harry’s hand slide down his side, to tightly grip his bum, and pull Draco’s hips more against his. Draco thrust his hips back up. He pulled away from Harry’s mouth, head rolling back, offering his throat to Harry. He felt pulling on the skin, saliva, teeth, tongue and lips. Draco’s breath was ragged, and he used his hands now placed on Harry’s hips, to also pull Harry more to him. It was hard, and Draco felt the pleasure rising through him, drawing deep and uneven breaths, and then catching Harry’s mouth again.

Harder, faster. Their cocks were trapped between their moving bodies, against each other. Draco slid one hand to Harry’s crack, and ran a finger up and then down, until he could feel the base of Harry’s balls. With the other hand still pulling at Harry’s hips, he massaged Harry’s balls. Harry hissed, and then pressed down harder into Draco.

Moments later they were both arched in ecstasy.


It’s a beautiful feeling you get, when you hold someone, and realize that you never want to let go. Not that I’d ever tell him that.


Draco woke up slowly. There was a warm presence pressed against his back, a warm breathing presence that also had an arm slung over his waist. Draco shifted slightly, and pressed back into the warmth.

With an unintelligible mumble, Draco felt Harry stretch slightly, then curl down tighter around him, the arm that was around him hugging him closer. The hand on his chest started to trace small patterns, raising Draco’s flesh in goose bumps.

Draco became aware of something pressing against his lower back, which caused him to chuckle slightly, and press him bum back and wiggle it a little. He wasn’t ready for the response he got from that.

Harry suddenly moved away, pushed at Draco’s shoulder so he was lying flat against the bed, then reached over to grab the lube from their bedside table. He had obviously been more awake than Draco had given him credit for. Harry coated his fingers in lube, and then grabbed his own erection, stroking himself to readyness. Draco could only lie there, watching and hardly breathing as his boyfriend prepared himself.

Draco hissed as Harry’s fingers entered him, caressing his tight hole. Draco moaned, as slowly and gently Harry began to stroke him, his fingers dipping deeper within Draco with each careful thrust. Harry had his other hand resting on Draco’s hip, fingers caressing slowly, at odds but strangely also in harmony with the penetrating presence in Draco’s arse.

“Do you like that?” Harry asked.

Draco arched his back, pushing against the slender fingers penetrating him. “God, oh yes. Harry…”

Harry’s fingers slid out, replaced by the damp head of his cock. A little pressure, a little more, and then he was inside him, just that much. Harry moaned, as the ring of muscle convulsed around his cock.

“More…Harry…” Draco groaned, and Harry responded by thrusting in a little. Draco raised his hips off the bed, and Harry sunk into Draco until he felt Harry’s balls against his arse.

Harry was still for a moment, panting, eyes glazed. Then Draco grunted as Harry moved, drawing out his cock until he was nearly unsheathed, then thrusting hard, back down into Draco. Draco arched up, head tipped back, mouth open. He reached down and grabbed his own cock, only to have his hand knocked away by Harry, who gripped Draco’s cock firmly, stroking it, thumb massaging the vein along the underside and rolling over the head to tease the slit.

Harry adjusted his thrusts into Draco so he could lean down, and crashed their lips together. They moved as one, their bodies writhing against one another, thrusts perfectly matched, mouths biting, sucking.

Then Harry thrust into him so powerfully that a hard grunt tore its way out of Draco’s throat, collapsing into a moan, as his hands clutched the sheets. Thick pearly come spurted between their moving bodies. Harry’s body shuddered over him, and he dipped his head down to rest on Draco’s shoulder and he thrust once - twice - and three times into Draco, coming with a shudder.

For one moment the world crystallised around them, as they collapsed against each other, mouths open, breath harshly being torn out of them. Draco lifted his arm up lazily ran it over Harry’s back.

Slowly Harry raised himself on his arms, and looked down at Draco. His smile was soft, exhausted and full of happiness. He softly leaned down and captured Draco’s lips in the softest kiss. The world melted until it was only the two of them, lips moving lightly over the each other’s.


It’s a beautiful feeling you get, when you simply know that you are in love. Nothing else exists. Nothing else matters. But that you are in love. And that’s what I told him the day I married him.


In other news...its raining here. We had a week of beautiful sunny crisp below freezing days last week...which has now decended into this grey monotony, which is predicted to last for at least another week. Great! Its weather that you curl up in bed to, not have to trudge through to get to work every day! But oh well, thats life.

The other thing is...I'm looking into doing a writing course for a couple of weeks...something to get my brain moving and my imagination flowing, and it reminded me that I meant to post my series of short stories that I wrote last year on here. Nothing at all fandom related in those, but I spent a lot of time working on them, and I'd like to see what people think. So...anyone interested in the slightest?

Thats all for now, I'll be around every now and then over the next few weeks. Much love and hugs to everyone!


awdt, writing, hpvalensmut

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