Fic: "Letters from the Fat Lady" Various Pairings

Feb 02, 2006 18:40

Title: "Letters from the Fat Lady"
Author: ashice_roses
Pairings: Various pairings
Rating: PG
Words: 1189
Disclaimer: The characters I use belong to J.K.Rowling, Warner Bro's. Not to me. I don't make any money out of them, just use them for my - and your - pleasure. Enjoy!
A/N: Ok, this is slightly complicated. The first 4 of these letters were written for a challenge from anael ages ago...there were meant to be 10 of them, but I got sidetracked and never finished. And never posted them. Then...this weeks AWDT challenge inspired me to write one more, and post it, as a response to both. So De, this is not complete. And jamie2109...the letter at the end is really the response to the prompt, but because they are all letters, I suppose they all fit, so I am posting them as one. Hope that is okay!

Letter One

12th December 1976

Dear Remus Lupin

I would like you to know that I know exactly what you get up to at night. Where you go with that ragamuffin Sirius Black (though I will admit he is rather georgeus) and what you do with him. And may I say…I rather like it.

I’ve seen you in the prefects bath. How your hands tangle in his hair, as you pull him down to you. The look on your face as he licks your chest…ooh, it sends shivers through me.

I know you think of me as just a painting with, to put it in your friend James words “No life apart from an occasional drink.” I do have feelings. And the sight of you and your friend together…well, it makes my heart jump.

I’m sorry that life hasn’t been that easy for you. I hope that your future with Black is long and…fulfilling (you know what I mean ;) And for the sake of a lady, I was wondering if you could possibly grace me with a little present. A Christmas present. In the Prefects Bathroom. I was wondering if - you could do it out of the bath for once?


The Fat Lady

Letter Two

24th September 1977

Dear Severus Snape

I have seen you. Those hours you spend loitering just down around the corner from my painting. Watching me. Or, more accurately, watching for Remus Lupin.

I could report you to Professor Dumbledore. I have heard the students whispering about your supposed loyalties, and many I believe, would think that you mean harm to the Gryffindor students. Tales of you aminosity with a James Potter have also reached my ears. But no, I will not, because I think I know better why you are always there.

I know why you watch him. He is fancinating, isn’t he? Like you, I know his secret, but unlike him, I know that this does not disgust you, but makes you want him more. His shabby clothes, his quiet, small smile, that lights up everything around him. Even the part of him that is slightly animal - it does not make him at all less appealing.

I am offering to send a letter to him, about you. I have had conversations with him - he trusts me. You must want this to go further, to be more than a secret longing. And I am sure, that once he realises how you feel, all past aminosity will be forgotton.

Just do me a favour when that happens. Kiss him in front of my painting. Bring a little pleasure into an old lady’s life!

The Fat Lady

Letter Three

25th December 1977

Remus my dear…me and Violet have come to a very wonderful conclusioin…conclusion…you know what I mean! We think…yes, well, we’ve been talking about it for a while now…but we think…I’m sorry, I’m a little tipsy here….

So, what was I saying? Oh yes, well we think you are quite the heart throb of Hogwarts…rather funny isn’t it? Well…Violet and I seemed to have laughed rather a lot…yes, we have, haven’t we? Sorry, I seem to be wavering a little. But…the point of this is that…well, from Sirius, to James, and then to Severus (I was really quite pleased about that, the poor boy had been pining over you for so long…) well, it seems like everyone likes you! We certainly do…don’t we Violet?

Even with your furry little problem (I know its not funny…but I can’t seem to help laughing at it tonight!…oh dear, I do believe I am rather drunk…I’m having fun though…) where was I? Yes, even with your little problem, you seem to have all the best looking boys in the school after you…I’m so happy that so many of you are queer…it really makes life a lot more interesting for an old lady like me…I do love my boys.

Merry Christmas Remus, and thank you so much for the wonderful present yesterday…wonderful, wasn’t it Violet? Yes…yes…such a lovely present…I think I may need another glass of wine!


The (rather tipsy) Fat Lady

Letter Four

30th November 1987

Dear Mr Weasley (do you mind if I call you Bill?)

That was quite a birthday party you had. All those comings and goings from Gryffindor…must have been a wonderful party. Am I right in saying I even spotted some Slytherins and Ravenclaws among the people I let in? As long as they had the password, I didn’t mind. Though I must say it got slightly annoying as it got later and the people got more obviously tipsy. I have no idea how you got all of that alcohol past Professor McGonagall…quite a feat!

It also seems that you had a good time - a wonderful time in fact. I was surprised when I saw that it was Christos Marchetta from Slytherin that you were with…he is a handsome boy isn’t he? Those wonderfully delicate hands, when twisted into your long wild hair, looked so beautiful. As did his mouth on yours…sent shivers down my spine.

You probably didn’t realise that I was watching you like that…but oh yes, I was watching. I think I shall also have to stop by the Prefect bathroom…maybe I’ll see you there one time - in fact, I hope so. Just the thought of you to together again - well, you can imagine what it does to me.


The Fat Lady

Letter Five

30th June 1996

Dearest Harry

I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry he’s dead. I knew Sirius Black from when he was first a cheeky little thing that used to insult me left right and centre…right up to when he was a cheeky big man, still insulting me left right and centre. I’m sad that our only recent meeting was the terrible one in your third year…I know now how much he meant to you…how much like a father he almost became.

But I also want you to know that while he had a hard life, there were some wonderful times in it. That four group of friends…cheekiest group of rascals I’ve ever known…maybe excepting Fred and George Weasley. Good lord, you won’t believe some of the things I saw them get up to - in pairs as well as a foursome. I also do hope that him and Remus Lupin managed to have some time alone with each other since he left Askaban…knowing them they have. They were so wonderful together - still brings a thrill to my heart to think about it. And they were so generous to me at times as well - I loved them very much.

So, his life wasn’t at all in vain. I know that while Sirius Black had so much life, and if immensely sad that he won’t be there for the rest of your life, the fact that he died for you will make him happy. And it is not your fault. May I repeat - it is not your fault. He will be watching over you, and will always be there in spirit, since he can no longer be there in person.

Oh, and I do belive he would very much encourage your budding relationship with the young Mr. Malfoy!

Your Always,

The Fat Lady

The End...for now!

awdt, writing

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