miss you all heaps!

Jan 31, 2006 19:15

Well, I’m very happy to say that I have finished my hp_valensmut and sent it in…such a relief! I’m very very nervous about if my giftee will like it…they are a very talented artist, and I’m sure they have read many many amazing fics…I just hope mine is okay! It also is the first time I’ve ever written straight out smut…so in all everything was a very interesting process! I’ll repost it on here when everything is announced.

I finally found the time to read to the end of one of my favourite fics of all time, “Eclipse” by mijan, and it was amazing. I missed the last couple of chapters because of everything happening to me at the time, but when I saw that the epilogue was posted, I just had to sit down for a couple of hours and read! I have to say that I wasn’t disappointed at all, MJ’s writing was as always exemplary. I’m just sad now that its over!

Real life wise, a couple of things have happened. I’ve started work in a jewellery story in the middle of town, just in retail, which at times can be interesting. I’m just so glad that I’ve found a job! Last week, before the job, I felt like I was going crazy, not doing anything and spending a heap of money. I thought I would enjoy being able to sit at home doing nothing but reading and watching TV, but…I just got so frustrated! So, as well as the fact I’m now getting money in, I am so glad to be doing something now!

I’ve also managed to get my computer on the internet, which I’m so thankful for, because otherwise this Valensmut thing would have been impossible. I hope that soon I can get back into writing drabbles for the AWDT, because I loved doing that. In fact, for my Valensmut fic, I used a wonderful promt that I saw on jamie2109’s AWDT post. So I have slightly written a drabble…just a very long and smutty one!

Its been really really cold in England over the last week, cold enough so that last week it snowed/sleeted, then iced over later that night. Thankfully there has been more clear days recently, which even though they often end up being colder, are at least brighter and make me feel more cheerful!

I’m likely to be going out with friends tonight, a celebration of two whole months spent in England. Should be fun! I can’t believe how fast the time has gone…its seriously amazing. I’ve missed being around as much as I was before…sharing music with anael and chatting with you wonderful people. Again, I still don’t know exactly what is happening to me over the next couple of months, so I don’t know if I will be around more or not. But I want to be! I really want to be. mere I miss you soooo much. De as well. I want to be here more! And I am going to try soooo hard.

Anyway, my one main obstacle, the valentines thing, is over…almost…I get a gift back myself! So I will defiantly be on then, squeeing my little heart out. And hoping like hell the person I wrote for likes my fic!

Love you all darlings!


p.s. and for some reason all my lj tags aren't working, so none of the names are links...which is really frustrating! maybe its something to do with all the new stuff that has recently changed around here...don't have time to work it out now, but will later!
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