A Few Random Things

Jan 04, 2013 12:11

Hey anyone still on LJ, Happy New Year! *confetti*

I just wanted to drop by and mention a few fandom notes, if anyone sees this.

DeviantART -had so much fun with this! I'm not an artist but figured why not? The first thing I did was Rinoa as a mermaid, I'll paste that below. I'm working a series of pictures of Rinoa and Squall in different eras. Right now, the only ones I have up would be 1910s (Rinoa in the Gibson Girl style) Those are at my DA account if you want to look. They're scary, but I'm learning. I'm not an artist by nature, so taking a little getting used to. Also for those who do art, CCM is growing (Chocobo-Cactuar-Mogs OH MY!) For anybody who does are, January's theme is "Snow and/or colors" February is harts/love/Valentine's... you get the idea!

Ashbear Facebook Community  starting this Sunday evening (Eastern) I'm going to start listing all the Final Fantasy updates of those who are following the community - any Final Fantasy, not just VIII. It will include ffnet, A03, LJ, YouTube, DeviantART etc. So if you follow and update anything, anywhere, just leave me a message there. More detailed information can be found at the stickied-note on the top. I think, we'll get into a pattern - I've already had a few people send me updates from this week, I think it's going to go well, hopefully!

After the Fall: Still working on it, a few chapters from the end. It's hard to believe, but working on that in between the FBI AU I started. I really, need to do Endless Waltz, I'm just not sure how many are still following, but it will get done. Promise (Everything, will eventually get done. Slowly, but surely.

Where I Belong: Inspired six of us are still plugging away at the stories and having so much fun. Because of time, holidays, and health issues of a few people, we've extended it. It's now more about word count. It's been so fun, so stop by and read the stories by the ones taking part! Click below to see the stories/summaries and the pencil version of Rinoa as a mermaid. :)

Where I Belong: Inspired - Author Participation List

Alessia Heartilly
  • Title: The Winter Rose (Italian - La rosa d'inverno)
  • Summary: AU, very very very slightly inspired by "Sleeping Beauty" fairytale. (Summary will be redon

  • Title: The Meaning of Resistance
  • Summary:  AU. When the world forgets you've ever existed, only the memories they shared under the stars remain. After an undercover agent's death, Rinoa becomes a key witness and placed into protective custody. Squall is the FBI agent assigned to her and Seifer the local detective. Rinoa loses everything she finally found. When the trial ends, so begins the new life they've assigned to her.

  • Title: Future Says Run
  • Summary: Still suffering the effects of a sorceress's cruelty from long ago, humanity has learned to adapt to this altered reality where loved ones' lives can be irrevocably shattered without warning. Rinoa Heartilly thought she'd been more than acquainted with the unfairness of this life, but little did she know it was only the beginning.

  • Title: What Happens in Esthar...
  • Summary: (AU. Romance / Humor) Rinoa gets a gift trip to an exclusive resort spa in Esthar that caters only to women...and offers more than the usual fare of wellness, skincare and beauty...it also offers the services of its male concierges for those women who are so inclined. in short, its a brothel for women...and Squall is on the menu...

Summoner Luna
  • Title: The Successor
  • Summary: It is what they dreamed of, and what they feared. It is what they never expected they would live to see happen. Now, there is only the question: was it worth the price they paid? -SquallxRinoa, the succession, and the myth of life according to plan.

  • Title: Waltzing in the Rain
  • Summary: (Romance /Fantasy) It all started with a simple birthday request, but by the end of the weekend it had grown into something life changing. At Rinoa's insistence, Squall travels up to Esthar to spend some 'quality' time with Laguna. What ends up happening is nothing any of them could've predicted. Bridges are mended, relationships are healed, and when it's all said and done, wedding bells will ring!

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