~*~ Master Fic List ~*~

Apr 07, 2020 21:33

As a general rule, I linked fanfiction.net first, although most completed stories also can be found at AO3.

Main Accounts (English):

Ashbear @ ff.net - My main Squall & Rinoa account.
Eternal Tiet @ ff.net - One-shots and multi-fandom.
Ashbear & Wayward @ ff.net - "Somewhere in Between"
Ashbear @ Archive of Our Own - Finished &"banned" stories.
Facebook Community - orgainized by Alessia Heartilly.

Final Fantasy VIII
(multi-chaptered / epic stories - Rinoa/Squall main)
Last number indicates word count

Castles in the Sky - Romance/Drama T - 73,617 (Fin)
Crimson Lies - Drama/Romance M - 180,362 (Fin)
Dancing in Time - Romance/Drama T -154,556 (Fin)
Endless Waltz - Romance M - 86k (WIP)
After the Fall - Romance/Drama/Angst M - 400k (WIP)
Somewhere in Between - Romance/Angst M -170k  (WIP) co authored w/Wayard Tempest
where silence has lease - Romance/Drama M - 15k (Fin)
The Meaning of Resistance - AU. Romance/Drama M - (WIP)

(FFVIII short stories & one-shots, complete)

House of Cards - Drama/Suspense T [Nida] 3558
Rebirth - Drama K  [Quistis & Phoenix] mentor, 1652
To Honor Odin - Romance K [Rinoa & Squall] 2576
Hot Dogs and Desert Sands - Humor K [Zell & Cerberus] 4k
A Very Carbuncle Christmas - Romance T [Rinoa & Squall] 21k
Knight of Sunset - Drama/Romance T [Quistis & Seifer] 5719
Place in the World - Romance/Angst T [Rinoa & Squall] 5082
First Contact - Humor T [Quistis & Seifer] 1061
Cactuar - Drama/Angst K [Jumbo Cactuar] 985
Things that Make you Go Hmmm - Humor T [All] 6287
Balamb Garden Network v3.0 - Humor T [all]  3432
Letters to Selphie Series - [Rinoa & Squall] K - Letters to Garden, w/action figures. [3 chapters]
Until I Fall Away - [E or NC-17] One-shot remix from After the Fall. Can be standalone.

Found only on Live Journal:

Somewhere in Between Outtakes - K - They're fun. They're embarrassing. 1086 words
After the Fall - Answers & information - think of as the bonus DVD feature everyone ignores.

Other Miscellaneous Fandoms:

Lost Odyssey
By the Light of the Fireflies - Humor/Drama T [All main] 1594 
Stillness - Drama T [Kaim] One-shot, 851 words

Final Fantasy VII 
The Act  - Friendship/drama K [Cloud & Aerith] 487 
Final Fantasy X
Immovable - Drama T [?] one-shot, 547

A Lesson Learned in Time - General K fictionpress.net, 505

Translations and Fansites:

Somewhere in Between in French - translation by ChrisVIII
First Contact in Spanish - translation by Kaiser-kun ff.net 
EFP Fanfiction site - Italian - Largest Italian archive. 5 stories.
Fanworld.it - Italian - Smaller archive, again 5 stories currently.
Wide Awake - Italian - Alessia Heartilly's personal website.
Fan Translation - Italian - Site which contains only translations.

Writing of Love is a fanlisting created by Alessia Heartilly in both Italian and English.
Fanverse interview in Italian for Fan Translation also by Alessia. ;)
Calling the Wind is a play list inspired by my writing by SummonerLuna on Live Journal.

Other sites where my work is archived:

Most of the links here are from times past; when dinosaurs ruled the earth...and geo-sites ruled free web-hosting. These actually might have the old song lyrics/quotes in there before ffnet put its foot down.  :(

Icybrian's:  Fairly complete archive of all my work, although no longer updated regularly. 
GIA Mirror site: Found my "Cactuar" story on the old Gaming Intelligence. Ah, memories.
RPGamer: 6 stories still posted here, although they stopped accepting fanfiction years ago.
Ashbear on Dreamwidth Don't use it often, but listing it in case it changes in the future.
ashes_and_wings on Live Journal. Again, listing this here for any future cross-posting.
rpgclassics - I met great people on there and the forum. Glad to have been a part of it.
rpgfan - Again another one from the 'olden days' when geosites ran the earth. ;)

writing sites, tales, after the fall, stories, eternal tiet, writing, livejournal, dancing

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