so many ideas, so little time

Feb 26, 2008 17:25

I either have heaps of time (recent 6 week holiday) with NO vidding ideas - well, I did end up with Take me to the Hospital or I have NO vidding time and friggin' heaps of songs and ideas I want to vid to.

This is what's on my mind. (I'm posting this because if any one knows if any of these songs have been done (or you're working on any of these songs), I would love to know and I can scrub them off my list).

Remake "His Wings". (Gabrielle by Lamb) I originally did this as Dean's POV - Sam as Dean's angel. I would love to redo this from Sam's POV - Dean as Sam's angel. Fluffly brotherly love stuff.

"The End" by the Doors. Recently read an apocalyptic fic by phantisma. She used this as her "soundtrack" and I reckon this would be an awesome song for an apocalyptic type vid. Really tricky to pull off though.

"Make this Last Forever" by Snow Patrol. This has been in my brain forever. "Please just save me from this darkness" - Dean's POV - really a S3 Dean's journey vid.

"Knocking on Heaven's Door" - Dylan or Bon Jov !? Thinking about this actually as an end of S3 vid - along the lines of my "Stayin' Alive" vid - reflecting on OC's death in S3. Definitely want to do this, but will have to wait a few months.

"Living on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi. I'm not a BJ fan but I recently found out that this is my little sister's favourite song and I would love to make this for her. Though she's not a SPN fan (!) so I figure a major recap type vid. (If this song has been done I would love to know).

And my ultimate - and the one I am favouring at the moment - is Led Zeppelin's "Black Dog". Recently Kripke said this would be the song he would want to use most on the show if he could afford it - so, yeah, that's been eating my brain. I think very tricky - but cool if I could do it.

Crap - that's a lot of songs. And no Crack! songs :( (The man says I should do one to "The Road Runner" - yep, that's what I have to put up with!!)
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