
Feb 11, 2008 22:11

I'm actually posting squee because I've just watched Good New Week in Aus - (ONLY to watch our boy Jensen) and my heart is only just recovering!!

Fuck me he's gorgeous and I am absolutely jealous of the studio audience. And of Claire Hooper - who, not that long ago was a member of the theatre club I am a member of - ooh, does six degree of separation work here??! I deem that yes! I'm only 1 degree from Jensen - or maybe 2. Either way - I'm CLOSE!. I just have to find a way to link Cate Blanchett to our boys and my separation calculations are complete. (I snogged her in a play once so that makes me so eligible!! Shut up - it does!).

Only bit I took umbrage to was Paul saying, after Jensen muttered "unbelievable" to one of his questions, "bit like your show". I did cringe I have to say. But Jensen held his own and from reading what actually happened during the filming he took it all in his stride. Bless him. My hubby said "you're behaving just like a girl". For the WIN I say! A proud fangirl!



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