Winchester Owies

Feb 09, 2008 18:51

New SPN vid.

Title: Take me to the Hospital
Vidder: Ash
Music: Take me to the hospital
Artist: The Faints
Category: Vid picspam, I suppose, of Winchester Owies.
Spoilers: S1-3 (clips up to 3.9)
Length: 4min
Size: 35mb
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Summary: Hurt!Winchesters. That’s it really. I have a thing for the boys in pain, covered in blood, strangled, tortured, thrown against walls, sliced, beaten up etc.

Comments are wonderful and I am more than happy to receive concrit, especially as I am beginning to play more with the actual vidding effects.

Vid comments:

I am pretty happy with this vid I have to say. It started out as a video picspam of all the moments of Hurt!Boys. And really, that is all it is. But it also became a chance to flex some new vidding skillz. (keyfraing is to friggin’ die for!) Working in my new program Final Cut Express, has allowed me to play a bit. I’ve had an absolute ball making this. It's beat driven and pretty hectic.

It’s long (4mins) and I’m sorry for that because I think around 2min is ideal but after planning this out I needed to use the whole song to fit in all the montages I wanted to. Hope it’s not too boring - I hope you can make it to the end ‘cause I do like the little dialogue bit that I’ve finished with.

My thanks go to my hubby (who has decided that he wants to be referred to as “the man” hee! - yeah, we won’t go there!), for help with the titles.

I actually can’t heap enough praise on my wonderful beta sharvie. She puts such a lot of thought and time into beta’ing my vids, with really only thanks from me. A lot in this vid is due to her ideas and her incredible ability to pick up the tiniest of details that just make everything so much tighter. Thanks again hun, for not only the awesome beta job but for your enthusiasm for this vid. It kept me going.


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