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ficwriter1966 May 14 2015, 14:19:16 UTC
I ended up more satisfied than I've felt in a while! Dean's rampage reminded me of that classic moment in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" when Indy pulls out the gun and shoots the guy, like, "F*** this, it's time to move on." The Stynes were clichéd, annoying, time-wasting bad guys, and I was practically whooping at the screen as Dean coldly and efficiently got rid of them one by one.

I have yet to understand why a battle between angels, or between an angel and a human, is a FIST FIGHT, so my response to the Dean-Cas smackdown was, "Whatever."

Sam is an idiot. He reminds me of all the overeducated people I've worked with over the years who can't figure out how to hit the green button on the copier to make a copy.

I would LOVE to see Crowley go Full Evil. The actor's got the chops for it - let's put him to work, and give the boys a fully layered, worthy adversary.


fireheart13 May 14 2015, 15:03:54 UTC
I did enjoy seeing the Stynes just owed down. "They're like gods in this town." "I kill gods." BAM!!!!!

ETA: I LOVED seeing Crowley "hulk out" at the end!! that little red mist coming from his eyes!!! YEAH!


ash48 May 14 2015, 15:49:51 UTC
Dean's rampage over the Stynes was one of my fave things. He DIDN"T LET THEM MONOLOGUE! Best thing ever! I was surprised they were gone so quickly. But then I remember there's heaps of them, so they still could be the Big Bad next season. Dean needed heaps of bodies to kill so it was the perfect set up.

I have yet to understand why a battle between angels, or between an angel and a human, is a FIST FIGHT,

THIS SO MUCH! I have never followed this logic. Even in earlier eps (ya know, the golden years), demon or angels fighting the Winchesters with their fists. What even is that. With one power bolt Cas could have had Dean incapacitated. It was the weakest moment for me. If ever Cas was in effectual it was now (and last week). I wish I knew what they were doing with him…

Sam is an idiot. He reminds me of all the overeducated people I've worked with over the years who can't figure out how to hit the green button on the copier to make a copy.Oh, you gotta talk to me more about this. You mean when he met with Crowley? Or ( ... )


sockkpuppett May 14 2015, 18:09:26 UTC
I'm going to try not to litter all over your comment section. :)

Yes, with the Sam thing. He's so brilliant, but he's blinded by his (perceived and real) failures with Dean. One thing that has really come through, finally, is that Dean is definitely not okay, hasn't been okay all year, and he's finally snapped--and still looks so hot while snapping. All season long, I've been complaining that they were telling-not-showing the MOC, but last night, they showed me (and I was bloodthirsty for it, as well).

The Castiel thing, though. That's really my biggest problem with this ep. I don't understand why he didn't incapacitate Dean--why he couldn't or wouldn't. I don't get it.


ash48 May 15 2015, 12:58:07 UTC
I'm going to try not to litter all over your comment section. :)

Always feel free to! It's my fave thing about a discussion thread. :)

It was SO good to see Dean finally snap. I admit I was revelling in it. They've toyed with Dean going over the edge all season and it was a relief to finally see it. Demon!Dean was fun to watch, but I never really felt that they knew what to do him. The MoC!Dean in this episode was very clear and I really felt that, given the chance, he would go on a murderous rampage given the slightest provocation.

The only thing that I would love to have seen this season is Dean being desperate to find a solution because he knew this what was doing. Him giving up never made sense to me. It may have been the Mark persuading him to give up (*nods*), but if Dean felt that Sam was threatened in the future he would have been trying anything to stop it.

I don't understand why he didn't incapacitate Dean--why he couldn't or wouldn't. I don't get it.I've fan-wanked a few reasons about what could have happened, ( ... )


alleysweeper May 14 2015, 16:26:38 UTC
YES! to all of this!

Dean was truly magnificent, wasn't he? ♥


killabeez May 19 2015, 15:43:06 UTC
I have yet to understand why a battle between angels, or between an angel and a human, is a FIST FIGHT

OMG, so much this. I've been stuck on this since "Heaven and Hell," and I'll never get over it. Ruins absolutely everything having to do with angels, for me.


borgmama1of5 May 20 2015, 03:35:53 UTC
You're watching again!


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