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ash48 May 15 2015, 12:58:07 UTC
I'm going to try not to litter all over your comment section. :)

Always feel free to! It's my fave thing about a discussion thread. :)

It was SO good to see Dean finally snap. I admit I was revelling in it. They've toyed with Dean going over the edge all season and it was a relief to finally see it. Demon!Dean was fun to watch, but I never really felt that they knew what to do him. The MoC!Dean in this episode was very clear and I really felt that, given the chance, he would go on a murderous rampage given the slightest provocation.

The only thing that I would love to have seen this season is Dean being desperate to find a solution because he knew this what was doing. Him giving up never made sense to me. It may have been the Mark persuading him to give up (*nods*), but if Dean felt that Sam was threatened in the future he would have been trying anything to stop it.

I don't understand why he didn't incapacitate Dean--why he couldn't or wouldn't. I don't get it.

I've fan-wanked a few reasons about what could have happened, but this was the biggest weakness in the episode. Cas should have easily been able to incapacitate Dean, OR we could have been given a reason why Cas was so weak against him.


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