Daily Burst -Greatest Hits (8.06 Southern Comfort)

Nov 11, 2012 20:19

This is my broments entry for theheartofspn. I needed to say a lot more about this one so I have created a separate post - which became meta. I suppose everyone will have their own take on that scene. Here's mine.

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meta, hrtofspn, s8 musings

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Comments 110

borgmama1of5 November 11 2012, 12:51:43 UTC
The other things that supports your analysis is the 'blanket forgiveness' Dean gave at Rufus' burial. I believe he was sincere when he said 'all is forgiven'--the spectre pulled those feelings Dean had overcome back into play. Like you point out, the wife in the first murder had been married for 37 years! So I do think the spectre pulled out grievances that Dean had resolved ( ... )


maenad November 11 2012, 13:35:29 UTC
The part that made me want to scream at my TV was Sam equating Dean keeping Benny a secret with Sam not looking for Dean. The two things aren't the same magnitude--but what I think is happening is that Sam is projecting his guilt over not looking for Dean AND his guilt for feeling guilty because he felt his was doing the right thing at the time. And we all know that Sam turns his guilt into anger, whereas Dean turns his guilt into depression. So Sam is lashing out.

I don't know - I think they are equivalent in the way Sam and Dean themselves are framing the debate. Dean says 'You left me to die for a girl'. Sam says 'You had your reasons for Benny ( ... )


borgmama1of5 November 11 2012, 17:28:34 UTC
"Sam hasn't been explaining those reasons, so to Dean it kind of sounds as though he just shrugged his shoulders and found a singles bar."

You are completely right, this is why Dean (and some fans) aren't understanding Sam right now. Though we are starting to get glimpses of how traumatized Sam was, like, as you point out, Sam's panic while driving to rescue Dean from the vamps.

"...they generally discuss it and go save the day together."

Framed like that, I can see how Sam takes Benny as a betrayal. Good point!


chemm80 November 14 2012, 14:51:25 UTC
"Sam hasn't been explaining those reasons, so to Dean it kind of sounds as though he just shrugged his shoulders and found a singles bar."

I said this over at saberivojo's post the other day. I think it's partly just the writers drawing out the mystery and making us wait for it, but if you think about it, Sam has never been particularly good at explaining himself to Dean ( ... )


cassiopeia7 November 11 2012, 13:01:14 UTC
BRILLIANT meta, as usual. <33

They both have REASONS for their actions and so far neither of them have really listened to the other. Or allowed the other to even have "reasons". Their level of jealously here is astounding. So is their level of what they need from each other.

. . . which they're never going to get unless they start talking. AND listening. And, well, we know how often that happens in Winchesterland. With all the love between those two, with each willing to die for the other, it's amazing how often they fail to emotionally connect. But Carver said the guys would be "growing" and "changing" this season. I'm hoping this means they'll finally learn to stop talking AT each other and start opening up.

The thing that Sam didn't realise is that Dean has, in some ways, dealt with all that hurt - that sense of betrayal. He has been managing it. Sam tells Dean to "move on". To be honest I think Dean has been trying to move on. Agreed. The difference between Dean and, say, Garth, is that while Garth legitimately lets ( ... )


ash48 November 11 2012, 13:59:35 UTC

Thanks honey. <3

I'm hoping this means they'll finally learn to stop talking AT each other and start opening up.

OMG! I think I'd fall of the sofa if they ever actually had a conversation that sorted all this stuff out. :) I think with the Winchesters they are better at letting their actions speak. Or (it seems) letting the MotW give them some insight.

Dean has always carried these issues. I think we got the first taste of that in Skin. Here the shapeshifter voiced Dean's feelings of betrayal. Not a lot has really changed since then, only Dean has probably gotten better at putting them aside and getting on. Maybe his feelings of betrayal will finally be addressed this season.

Dean's gun was trembling, just a bit.

Oooh, I didn't pick that up. It would be good to think Dean was in there trying to regain control.

I LOVE THIS SHOW TOO! especially when we get good meaty scenes like this to tear into! <33


borgmama1of5 November 11 2012, 17:31:05 UTC
"As he aimed at Sam, Dean's gun was trembling, just a bit. When has Dean's gun hand EVER trembled? Never. Which kinda makes me think that Dean was in there the whole time, fighting the Specter's influence, even if he himself doesn't remember."

I believe this too!


geckoholic November 11 2012, 13:13:14 UTC
There are a few little things I disagree about, but in general: YES, THIS. Dean didn't want to say these things, he wouldn't have if he'd been in charge of himself, and they have been twisted by the spectre. But of course, Sam's heard them, and they hurt him, so he's the one being irrational at the end. They've both already been hurt and confused by the other one's behavior and actions, and now it's SO much worse. This ep, this scene, made it even more important for them to bring this to a point and work through it, and I just hope show will follow through and bring it all to a head.


ash48 November 12 2012, 11:01:11 UTC
Hey BB! <3

Ooh and I'm glad there are somethings you agree with. It's one of those scenes that everyone will get something different from it - I think it was written in such a way to leave us with many thoughts. I have no real "set" thoughts on it all. I mostly think they are both coming from places that are right for them at the moment - even if we can see places that it's wrong.

I wouldn't have thought of Sam as being irrational at the end, though as he was hurt, feeling guilty and (therefore angry), it could be considered an irrational response - I can see that.

this scene, made it even more important for them to bring this to a point and work through itI think what's...um...maybe worrying(?) is that Show tends to not sort these deep seated issues head on. These are old, old issues - ones we've seen back in S1 - so it will be very interesting to see if they DO manage to sort any of this stuff out. These confessions have to have a major impact. And as Dean doesn't know what he's said I imagine it will be Sam we see the ( ... )


fourtenpm November 12 2012, 15:25:36 UTC
I think Sam told him what he said. And under the influence of the specter or not, those sentiments of Dean's are pretty on the surface, and that's why Sam said as if u need the penny to say all the things.

I really like it that they are fighting about it. Fighting is a form of communication, better than the silent treatment.

Despite all the angst of the scene, I cannot help but find it hilarious that they are such a married couple.


ash48 November 13 2012, 10:37:50 UTC
They are SUCH a married couple. Heh...

And yes. I don't think anything Dean said came as a surprise to Sam at all. Hmm...maybe Sam did tell Dean what he said. I didn't get that impression but doesn't mean it didn't happen. And knowing Show we'll probably never really find out. ;)


altruisticinteg November 11 2012, 13:42:23 UTC
Amazing thoughts on this ep! This powerful ep left me with such raw emotions that I couldn't wait for the beautiful meta to be wrote about it.

But we know Sam isn't that kind of brother. He is SO much more than that. He's a partner, someone who will watch his back and stick by him NO MATTER WHAT. He's someone who will call Dean on his shit. He's someone who will help keep him human. Rational Dean knows that. Possessed Dean only feels the betrayal. This is only a small part of everything else he feels for Sam.

That right there brought tears to my eyes. Thank you.


ash48 November 12 2012, 11:02:50 UTC
Thank you so much! These two and their amazing relationship brings out the warm thinkies.. <3


(The comment has been removed)

ash48 November 12 2012, 11:08:13 UTC
I think that's been the major thing with this scene - all the different fan reactions. :) Personally I can't take sides. Both brothers are coming from different places so they are both right AND wrong. :)

I also really love the notion of Benny - such a great antagonist in the Dean and Sam angst. I think the producers have created a character that is really going to show us more about the brother's relationship. And at the end of the day? that's what I love...


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