Daily Burst -Greatest Hits (8.06 Southern Comfort)

Nov 11, 2012 20:19

This is my broments entry for theheartofspn. I needed to say a lot more about this one so I have created a separate post - which became meta. I suppose everyone will have their own take on that scene. Here's mine.

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meta, hrtofspn, s8 musings

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ash48 November 12 2012, 11:01:11 UTC
Hey BB! <3

Ooh and I'm glad there are somethings you agree with. It's one of those scenes that everyone will get something different from it - I think it was written in such a way to leave us with many thoughts. I have no real "set" thoughts on it all. I mostly think they are both coming from places that are right for them at the moment - even if we can see places that it's wrong.

I wouldn't have thought of Sam as being irrational at the end, though as he was hurt, feeling guilty and (therefore angry), it could be considered an irrational response - I can see that.

this scene, made it even more important for them to bring this to a point and work through it

I think what's...um...maybe worrying(?) is that Show tends to not sort these deep seated issues head on. These are old, old issues - ones we've seen back in S1 - so it will be very interesting to see if they DO manage to sort any of this stuff out. These confessions have to have a major impact. And as Dean doesn't know what he's said I imagine it will be Sam we see the most "obvious" suffering from. Though I wonder if Sam will just come out and tell him? Dean would then have to deal with not only saying that stuff to Sam but acknowledging that he actually habours all those issues. Ack....I hope at least we get some resolution by the end of the season.

Thanks for popping by honey! <33


fourtenpm November 12 2012, 15:25:36 UTC
I think Sam told him what he said. And under the influence of the specter or not, those sentiments of Dean's are pretty on the surface, and that's why Sam said as if u need the penny to say all the things.

I really like it that they are fighting about it. Fighting is a form of communication, better than the silent treatment.

Despite all the angst of the scene, I cannot help but find it hilarious that they are such a married couple.


ash48 November 13 2012, 10:37:50 UTC
They are SUCH a married couple. Heh...

And yes. I don't think anything Dean said came as a surprise to Sam at all. Hmm...maybe Sam did tell Dean what he said. I didn't get that impression but doesn't mean it didn't happen. And knowing Show we'll probably never really find out. ;)


geckoholic November 17 2012, 13:40:29 UTC
I mostly think they are both coming from places that are right for them at the moment - even if we can see places that it's wrong.
So true. They're both justified in how they feel and have a right to it, but are also both so wrapped up in their own pain that they can't see where the other is coming from. BOOOYS.

Irrational insofar as that... He's hurt. Dean's hurt him. And I get that. But Dean a) doesn't even know WHAT he said, and b) the others acted on feelings that they wouldn't have seen a need to dig out and act on if it hadn't been for the spectre, and it was the same with Dean. It's not like he wanted and needed to say that; and he wouldn't have. Hell, most of it probably wasn't at the forefront of his mind anymore, except for Sam not looking. The Spectre bloated it all up, but Sam can't see that in his hurt and his anger (which, again, he has a right to!), just hurls that at Dean to hurt him back, and that's what I mean with irrational. Do I make sense? XD

Yeah, show doesn't have the best track recorded when it comes to resolving emotional subplots... Ack, indeed. :/


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