Daily Burst -Greatest Hits (8.06 Southern Comfort)

Nov 11, 2012 20:19

This is my broments entry for theheartofspn. I needed to say a lot more about this one so I have created a separate post - which became meta. I suppose everyone will have their own take on that scene. Here's mine.

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meta, hrtofspn, s8 musings

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cassiopeia7 November 11 2012, 13:01:14 UTC
BRILLIANT meta, as usual. <33

They both have REASONS for their actions and so far neither of them have really listened to the other. Or allowed the other to even have "reasons". Their level of jealously here is astounding. So is their level of what they need from each other.

. . . which they're never going to get unless they start talking. AND listening. And, well, we know how often that happens in Winchesterland. With all the love between those two, with each willing to die for the other, it's amazing how often they fail to emotionally connect. But Carver said the guys would be "growing" and "changing" this season. I'm hoping this means they'll finally learn to stop talking AT each other and start opening up.

The thing that Sam didn't realise is that Dean has, in some ways, dealt with all that hurt - that sense of betrayal. He has been managing it. Sam tells Dean to "move on". To be honest I think Dean has been trying to move on.

Agreed. The difference between Dean and, say, Garth, is that while Garth legitimately lets things go and moves on . . . Dean shoves things down, represses them and (tries to) move on. But he can't, not really, because all that emotion is weighing on him. But yes, he's definitely dealing with it. Just not very healthily. ;)

One other thing about that climactic scene. As he aimed at Sam, Dean's gun was trembling, just a bit. When has Dean's gun hand EVER trembled? Never. Which kinda makes me think that Dean was in there the whole time, fighting the Specter's influence, even if he himself doesn't remember. As Garth said, he doesn't want to kill his brother, possession or not.

God, I love this show!


ash48 November 11 2012, 13:59:35 UTC

Thanks honey. <3

I'm hoping this means they'll finally learn to stop talking AT each other and start opening up.

OMG! I think I'd fall of the sofa if they ever actually had a conversation that sorted all this stuff out. :) I think with the Winchesters they are better at letting their actions speak. Or (it seems) letting the MotW give them some insight.

Dean has always carried these issues. I think we got the first taste of that in Skin. Here the shapeshifter voiced Dean's feelings of betrayal. Not a lot has really changed since then, only Dean has probably gotten better at putting them aside and getting on. Maybe his feelings of betrayal will finally be addressed this season.

Dean's gun was trembling, just a bit.

Oooh, I didn't pick that up. It would be good to think Dean was in there trying to regain control.

I LOVE THIS SHOW TOO! especially when we get good meaty scenes like this to tear into! <33


borgmama1of5 November 11 2012, 17:31:05 UTC
"As he aimed at Sam, Dean's gun was trembling, just a bit. When has Dean's gun hand EVER trembled? Never. Which kinda makes me think that Dean was in there the whole time, fighting the Specter's influence, even if he himself doesn't remember."

I believe this too!


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