Something I pondered...

Apr 25, 2011 08:47

regarding Sam's soul. (sorry for double post. Last one got too large to put this one on..)

It's damaged yeah? Like so badly damaged that if it breaks through the "wall" in Sam's mind it will kill him or leave his in a vegetative state. So it will need healing in order for Sam to survive in the future without the wall in the future.

Touching a human soul can heal an angel right?

Hmmmm.... would that be transferable to a human soul I wonder? Could Cas be able to do that..? Cas said "he never wanted to do that again" (touch a human soul I figured..) which means... yep... he's going to have to do that again sometime. Ooh, ooohh... maybe he touches Dean's soul and transfers the "healing power" to Sam? *dreamy eyes*

Just pondering. I have no idea what's coming up and I will be to my utmost to remain SPOILER FREE leading up to the finale. Just a lot more fun that way. But speculating is fine..


s6 musings

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