Killing time

Jul 22, 2011 10:56

I've one more week to go on this contract, and I'm currently trying to catch up on the mountains of data entry that I simply haven't had the time to do over the last year (I believe it would take 3 full time workers to do this job well; they currently have me). Right now my brain feels fried and the mere sight of our (stupid, overly complex, badly laid out, slow) database interface is provoking the desire to run away. TFIF!

Since I'm in avoidance mode, I've paid bills, emailed a friend, checked LJ and DW and so forth. All useful, productive stuff that I should be doing in my own time. Blah.

It was a bit random - listening to music on the way home last night, I decided that "Blackbird" by Sarah McLachlan would be my ring tone for Ravurian, provided we were actually communicating via phone. Then "These Boots Were Made for Walkin'" came on (as done by Little Birdy) and I can totally match that to Black Samvara. Anyone else care to nominate their personal ringtones? Either what they'd choose for me, or what they think I should use for them. I think I've seen this as a meme somewhere, so creativity!fail.

Have I pimped the Laws of Magic series, by Michael Pryor? Think World War era magic-powered steampunk. I love that the protagonist is so obviously flawed (both hubris and physically weak), the antagonist is Machiavellian, and the main romantic relationship is with a suffragette who won't accept less than equal treatment from the protagonist.

Oh bollocks, just realised that I will be catching up with a friend after work and forgot to bring a book that I borrowed off her.

update random

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