Political Issue

Nov 03, 2008 11:37

Ok, I know I've said that I wanted to get to writing stories, and watching my shows and putting reviews up here, but I've been reading up on issues to make sure I knew what I was going to be voting for tomorrow and I've been disgusted with what I've been reading.

One of the biggest issues facing this country right now is the rights of gays (etc, etc) to marry and all the controversy regarding such.. I honestly find it appalling that it's even an issue. The fact is, we've already been through the exact same thing, not once, but TWICE in American history. First with African Americans being seen as equals, and then with women being seen as equals, I would even go far as to say it's been an issue a third time in American history with the legalization of abortion, though I think that's been too recent to fully tell what the results are of it. And now we're doing it again.

All men are created equal; that's in everything we do.. As a friend of mine says:

'And if there is one lesson I think everyone needs to take from the Bible, it is what Jesus said. "Love thy neighbor." He didn't say love thy WHITE neighbor. He didn't say love thy STRAIGHT neighbor. He said love thy neighbor.'

I would even go one step further and add to the quote 'He didn't say love thy MALE neighbor either' Male, female, white-skinned, black-skinned, straight or gay. We are to love everyone without condition. Verse 11:2-4 of Luke is the Lord's Prayer, and I know it's found in other gospels as well (the small group I attend is working through Luke, so his retelling was the easiest to find.) Luke 11:4 specifically says 'Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us..' If we don't forgive and love those who are different from us, it's the same as saying, I don't forgive this sin, so don't forgive me when I've done something wrong.

I am a white, straight, male, and I have no predilection otherwise, but to not accept someone else's beliefs is essentially saying to them, don't forgive me for my 'same-ness' to society just as I'm not accepting you for believing something different.

How many times do we have to go through this before we get it through our heads.

*gets off soapbox* sorry, it just annoys me, my faith in humankind has just taken another nosedive with this election. Anyone who reads this can return to the doldrums of their life.
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