Intro and review

Sep 15, 2008 16:51

Oi, I's need to post more regularly -_- At least last week I have kinda an excuse, been feeling kinda off.. still not sure exactly why, but it seems to have gone away.

Anyway, saw this on a friend's journal and realized that I never really introed myself. So following her example I'm going to intro myself the same.

Greetings, 'tis Bastion, the primary of this here lj account. Bastion is the name I goes by online, prompted by my favorite story The Neverending Story, strange that it took me so long to read the actual book, my love for it was mostly inspired by the movie. After I saw it I wanted to see the second, loveded that one too. After many years I finally read the book and loved that too, and found that the second movie was actually based on the second 'third' of the book The middle of the book they haven't done anything movie-wise with, probably because the only character it has in common is Bastion himself.

Arcion came along with my most recent group of online friends, the name derives from my favorite and 2nd favorite Pokemon actually. For a while, I was known online as 'White Arcanine, Black Persian', my two favorite pokemon/animals (Arcanine and Persian) which was eventually shortened to just 'Arcion' and I've stuck with it. My 3rd favorite animal is the (brown) wolf (houndour eventually) but it never got into the nameAlthough Arcanine is technically a canine, it's the closest in look to the white tiger I love, so it's a feline to me :p

I'm also an anime fan, I have filled up my HD's with anime =^_^= I used to think Sailor Moon dubbed was the first anime I watched, but mostly recently I've found that maybe two of the movies I grew up with were 'made-for-english' animes, so I'm changing in that. But I still love anime, prefer to watch it fansubbed.. they tend to get the translations more correct, while dubs and even official translating companies have to deal with censors and tend to do horrible things to good anime.

Though in the Bleach dub, they actually added a comment of amusement that actually isn't said until later in the episode. Watching sub and then dub makes for amusement though ^_^

Sailor Moon housed my first anime 'crush', Sailor Venus/Mina =^_^= When I found out her only boyfriend actually existed, I started to do research into him I think his dub name was Brian or something like it, but it made me twitch and found that his original/sub name is 'Asai', so I integrated that into my name as I could =^_^=

I write some fanfiction, but mostly I read such, not really feeling that my own writing endeavors good enough for the 'net. And recently I've descended into the realm of manga. I've gotten caught up in various manga series, but I picked up Fruits Basket on my b-day, because friends had recommended it, started reading it.. and was instantly hooked. I love it, zoomed through the four books of it I'd picked up (boxed set) and now I fear I'm going to go through withdrawal until I pick up more.

Other than anime/manga, I like learning about cultures.. really I love learning about anything, I love to read most anything I can get my hands on. Sci-fi stuff especially as you can probably tell from various reviews I've had in other entries, even other people's expressions when I talk to them in person. I'm actually pretty good about reading other people, even when they think they're hiding something.

I'm not a linguist, languages just don't seem to like me for some reason, not even English really. I'd really rather watch a conversation than participate in one, though I'm getting better at that, trying to participate in conversations.

I like science, grew up around computers, my dad's a programmer, I even have a picture of me lying on my baby blanket while he worked on his programming :) *floats in good memories* Thought I would like to become a programmer, got to college and found I wasn't really that interested in it as I thought I was.

Favorite colors right now are red and blue, I find I tend to wear a lot of whites, blacks and dark blues, and almost everything of mine is a darker shade of blue or black. I think that's mostly because it's hard to find things that match with other colors mostly, I may be male, but living with my mother for almost ten years has endowed me with a certain fashion sense, even if other things she's tried to get me interested in hasn't worked

Because my dad's a christian and mom's jewish, I wasn't really exposed to religion when I was younger, even though the two are basically building on each other. It wasn't until my parents divorced or.. at least were preparing to before I realized what religion actually was. Structured holidays are thus mostly shunned by me.. Especially Christmas for how the world views it.. If I want to give a friend a gift, I'll generally do it without a holiday unless it's a mass-gifting, and even then I tend to stay away from giving anything for Christmakuh, preferring to gift during White Day instead ^_^

This is getting really long for a 'short' intro to myself. One more thing I do want to say, I love music, particularly singing. You'll not find me blasting the bass though, I prefer Treble(?) and I keep it to myself. When I drive, I keep the windows rolled up so I don't intrude on others with my music/singing. While I like background music (to anime and shows I'm watching), unless the mood is entirely from the music, I prefer lyrics so that I can sing along, or at least keep the feeling without having to watch it as the same time.

*looks back* Ok, that's enough about me.. for now at least.. now for the other part I wanted to get into this entry. Review of the Stargate Atlantis episode last Friday.

Remember how I said in past reviews for this season that it seemed like they were trying to kill the series? Well, this episode completely blows that out of the water. Not only was it an enjoyable episode in-and-of itself, but it also set up for things happening in the future episodes. My only real complaint about the episode was that the only main character that really had a part was Teyla, the others were supposedly off doing their own thing mostly, but for her, and some of the other minor characters, there was a lot of character development and they were given room to grow. I think the actress really likes the background this character's been given.. she really gets into the character's head when she's given the room.

And since I think I've rambled enough for today, I think I'll end the entry here. See if anyone chooses to comment/directs my ramblings for tomorrow maybe.

~Bastion & Jamie
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