Part 1 Weekly Reviews

Sep 23, 2008 13:35

Sigh, last week things just weren't working right, too many things happening, classes and abnormal sleeping didn't help either.  Finally got a chance to slow down and cool off yesterday.  Was hoping to get the time to post this then, but that didn't work out well.

But yesterday things started flowing, and happiness ensued for all parties, so you get this now, just before another new episode of Eureka airs I think it's the 'mid-season' finally this week for this show.

Aside from the episode being a blatent showing of corporate sponsorship "Degree Absolute Protection Ahoy", it was a really good episode.  There was the issue of the extra sun (which was where the sponsorship came in) and there was the secondary inclusion of a mayoral campaigning, but despite that, it was a really good episode.  As the sponsorship had to be done.. at least it was done well.

I actually found myself loling at two seperate parts of the episode, something I haven't done yet in this show's three seasons, the first was when the town was loading up busses for evacuation They seem to be evacuating the town a lot recently o.o and the mayoral candidates were trying to get their last minute votes in before they left.  Carter enters the cafe and starts to get people moving towards the busses, and Lukas and his team are sticking around to pass out sunscreen to everyone.  Then this bit happens when Carter decides it's time for them to go.

"Carter: Lukas, do you want to score points with your voters or with your girlfriend's old man?

*Lukas sets his box of sunscreen down, grabs Zoey and turns towards the bus*

Lukas: No contest sir!

Carter: That'll work.

Zoey *as she's being carried off*: Vote Lukas!"

Normally I protest against the blatent showing of guys thinking with what's below the belt, but that was just amusing.  And he doesn't pick her up 'bridal style' either, I'm not sure what the carry is called, since it's not a 'throw 'er over your shoulder' carry, but it was definately amusing to see.

The second is kinda a spoiler if you haven't seen the episode, so it's quote goes under the cut to make it easier to hide.

Henry: I don't know what to say.

Carter *whispers*: Say you'll take the job, because Zoey's boyfriend is the runner-up.

*Lukas and team looked shocked and the other teams scratch/shake their heads*

From jailed criminal to mayor of the town.. interesting.
Anyway, good Eureka episode, lots going on, definately pulling towards an ending to the plotline of the season as well, joining of forces to get the mystery solved, although the 'evil' activity has definately stepped over some clear boundries and isn't even trying to hide anymore, which is a little dissapointing.  The previous 'evil plot' developed over two seasons before reaching it's peak, and this one seems to be running a bit short compared, though it has lasted this long, as opposed to the 'mission of the day' the episodes are using to keep things interesting.  It's been a good season so far.

Though I'll be doing a more through review of the Atlantis episode later, it didn't really measure up, against Eureka or the week before's episode :(

In other news, I picked up some new manga yesterday, so I have happy reading material ^_^  I picked up a book of MAR that I already owned thought I had up to a point, so I'd picked up the wrong book, returned to the store a few hours later and got it exchanged for one later in the series with no issue, I'd even gotten the book I ended up returning for free (buy 4 get 5th free offer) and when I returned it they didn't have an issue with giving me the same offer on the exchange.

I went in expecting to have a look around and choose a few new series to fill out my 'looking for ten books', they had restocked their selection, so when I got there it was more of 'which series do I choose to continue' rather than the 'which series do I want to take a look at' that I'd expected.  I was in a hurry, so I didn't even get to do more than scan what was available.  I think the storeworkers could see that I was happy about the change in style.. hopefully they'll keep it this way though while I was choosing someone else came through looking for something specific that they didn't have, so they didn't get it perfect.

They had the three MKR manga I've been looking for for a couple of years now, so I was happy to pick those up, as well as more of the Furaba manga that I'm glad I decided to look at.  I'll be reading through those when I get a chance at them.

And finally, it seems the radio stations I kinda listen to have hit the spot in their cycle where they play songs I'll actually listen to, so I'm listening to the radio again.  Good timing too, 'cause the CD's I'd made for the car were starting to get a bit repedititive and so the radio mixes things up again.

One of the songs that brings a smile to me as I'm driving is 'I Kissed a Girl' I think that's the name, and I don't know the artist, at first it was just listening and causing a grin, then I caught more of the song and heard the 'I hope my boyfriend don't mind it' and I had to grin as it attached itself to my girlfriend.  I thought, 'no, I don't mind it, it just amuses me.'

I'm going to have to go to iTunes' store and pick up the song, it hasn't left me alone since, and I don't mind it.  Either the thought or the fact that the song's been stuck in my head since.

And now I must run to locate and pick up my dad from his job, as my alarm just went off.. maybe I'll hear the song again along the way ^_^

~Bastion & Jamie

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