Denzo sleeping noises

Jun 11, 2007 14:04

So it is (thank god) a long weekend. The only weekend where I believe in a monarchy for Australia. Mostly because I don't have to be at work today. Which is awesome.

Last week was huge. A girl that I work with got fired. I wont go into why, mostly because I cant do that. Oh the joy of privleged information. At least at teh CIA etc they get to flash badges. But I do get to black out information everyone now and then, which is fun.

I took it pretty badly. I'm sure she took it worse, but if you cant be self indulgent on livejournal, where can you be self indulgent?

I had no idea she even had warnings. I'm new (three months) and I'm still not aware of all the office politics and undercurrents. This is why i took it badly. Also because (self indulgent warning) I have a small theory that they hired me to fire her. a week after my employment gets confirmed, she gets the sack. call my cynical, call me an over-analyzing crazy person, but a little bit of me thinks this. It just seems a little too coindinidental.

Anyway, so I was upset about that. Then my phone fell out of my bag on the train and its gone. so i have been without a phone since thursday. a friend of my brother's died and he is a mess. and i went home to see my mummy (which was nice) and found some photos of my dad and some of me and my bro when we were little that i hadnt seen. We got all his stuff when he died, and he had photos of us he must have carried around everywhere. lets just say i got a tad upset about the whole thing.

i just got my graduation photos and i'm in the process of sending them to my nz family (his sisters and their families). I'm the first on their side to go to university, to get a degree, its pretty big. and i'm wondering, would he be proud of me? i know that the simple answer is yes, of course he would. and everyone says so, mum. geoff, nz family. but, I honeslty dont know. I dont know what he would say, what he would do. and that upset me a bit (ive been a bit emo lately, gah).

I'm barely holding it together. I'm utterly exhausted. not physically, though i am tired. mentally. i cant handle anything too crazy. i turn into an emotional mess.

oh, its raining. how lovely!

I think i need a holiday (HK here i come!! disneyland!!! wooo!!)

gah. self indulgent bullshit. but this is the only diary i keep anymore. i gave up writing in one years ago. not because of technology. i just found my life suddenly didnt need 4 pages of bullshit every day. i ran out of things to write.

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