Miles is 2 today! It's hard to believe it's been two years already! There are a couple new pictures posted at firelizards. Yesterday we had a party for him, and it's just as well it was yesterday since we're having a weird day here today. It's snowing so church was canceled, but my mother-in-law's flight was not, so Eric spent 3 hours today making the normally one-hour round trip to the airport. He's sick and is now napping; Quinn has been sick all week (with a fever - so we were confined to the house for 3 days straight - ugh!) and still not 100% (but still capable of making me so crazy this morning that I banned tv time for the rest of the week - what was I thinking????); Miles also seems to have a bit of a cold and is also sleeping (I think he's pooped from his birthday party yesterday and Nana's very brief 43-hour visit); and I am sitting here trying to stay awake because Quinn is awake and trying to ignore that I'm feeling like a cold is coming on. Oh well!
Hopefully we'll all feel better by Friday because I'm taking the boys to see Sesame Street Live that day. We went last year and they both really enjoyed it - even Miles, who I was worried would not be able to sit through it. I'm hoping it will be a little easier this year since his attention span is better!
I'm looking forward to getting back to a "normal" schedule this week. We had two weeks of Christmas/New Year's vacation, then a week of ski vacation, and then a week of being shut in with Quinn being sick, so I am ready to do regular stuff again! (Btw,
sabriel_0405, that includes going shopping for your holiday gift! I've had all the books to return to you stacked up and ready to go, but no chance to actually shop since I talked to you on the phone weeks ago! As long as everyone is reasonably healthy this week, shopping is on the agenda for Tuesday morning. My goal is to send out the box by the end of the week.)