Write the first sentence(s) from the first entry of every month.
January: Some new photos are up on www.firelizards.com. I haven't caught up yet, though..........
February: Just a quick update...to say I'm still here. Been busy going on vacation (yay skiing!) and having my MIL visit (to watch Quinn during said skiing).
March: Some disconnected thoughts... *My sister got back from India on Monday.
April: Survived 8 day in-law visit without major incident and with less hair-tearing than anticipated (mine, not theirs)
May: I have discovered that sometimes as a parent you have these moments with your child when the world could just stop moving and you wouldn't notice.
June: Survived a week at the in-laws, including 5 days and nights without Eric. Woo!
July: I finished Danse Macabre the day after I bought it, so now that I've mulled it over a bit (though I haven't reread it yet), here are a few thoughts.
weaselgod is 30 today!
September: I wrote this as a reply to
silvana's Back to School Poll but realized that I haven't been very good about posting lately, so here's just a little news. I'm actually eyeball deep in choir preparations at the moment so it is sort of like going back to school (first class: Sept. 10) except I'm the teacher!
October: It's been so long since I've written anything here I can't figure out where to start! But I don't have a lot of time, so here goes, in no particular order....... * For the last two months my life has been taken over by potty training.
November: As of last night I have a new niece!
December: Yesterday morning Quinn looked out the window and told us that he saw snow.