Helped my sister move into her new apartment today. She has moved in with her boyfriend. The apartment is just one floor up from her old apartment (putting her on the fourth floor of a walk-up in Boston's North End), so some things were easier, but the stairway (narrow, with many turns) makes moving furniture quite interesting! Luckily only Sean's stuff needed to be moved in from street level, though most of the furniture was in the truck. Shortly after arriving we installed two window AC units, but it didn't make too much of a dent in the sticky sticky heat (it definitely helped a bit, though - you could tell because when you walked into the kitchen you really got broiled). Most of their stuff was in and even partially organized before dinner, so I think it went well. We are still hot and sticky, though!
Donna (my MIL) is here until tomorrow, so we've been trying to do some interesting things while she's here. Actually, Eric has some other relatives visiting the East Coast this week, so we went out to dinner with them on Thursday and then went to a polo match yesterday. Dinner on Thursday was delightful. We went to a seafood place in Providence called
Hemenway's (Eric's uncle said that he would take us wherever we wanted as long as he didn't have to wear a tie - woo hoo!). We had never been there before, but my parent's later told us that they would have recommended it to us had we asked them (oops, didn't think to ask them about restaurants in Providence - next time!). Anyway, the food was great and Quinn behaved superbly. He sat in the high chair for two hours before getting antsy, and then behaved well for the next hour while we had dessert and coffee. I soooooo appreciate what a wonderful kid he is! (Although tonight he was pretty fussy at dinner in the North End (until the food arrived) but that is because we are STUPID and didn't feed him any lunch. The poor kid was starving and doesn't have enough verbal skills yet to tell us. Oops!)
Yesterday we went to
polo, which we usually do once a year or so. It's a lot of fun because you get to back your car right up next to the field and tailgate tailgate tailgate! Mark and Kay came and brought their grill, so we had burgers, hot dogs, sausages, and quesadillas; as well as pasta salad, cheese (like 8 kinds) and crackers, chips, hummus, etc. It was a lot of food!!! We were feeding 14 people, though. Quinn had one of those days where he would only eat one thing (doesn't happen a lot but sometimes he just makes up his mind), so he ate lots of pesto pasta salad. Well, for dinner anyway - for snacks beforehand he had lots of cheese and grapes. Kay brought chocolate cupcakes, so the highlight was watching Quinn eat one. He and I both came out covered in chocolate, and I think there were more pictures taken of that than anything else the whole time! :)
Eric and I went to see
Mr. and Mrs. Smith last night. It was fun to go to the movies, though it's generally not my preference to go to a movie after 9 PM. But I survived. :) We liked the movie - it was funny, had lots of action. As long as you ignore the unbelievable aspects of the plot, I think it's quite enjoyable. :)
Let's see...oh yes, I am reading Harry Potter, but with having company and doing all of this stuff, I have only managed to read chapter one so far. So now I need to jump in the shower and then into bed so I can read some more! :)