Title: Aishiteru, anata wa tenshi no ochiba! (I love you, you Fallen Angel!)
Rating: PG/PG-13
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Fanfiction
Disclaimer: I don't own Traverse Town, Cloud, or Tyken. Square does. (KS owns Tyken's name.) Rena owns Rena and Raynie owns Raynie. I own everythin' else! :3
Summary: Cloud just wishes Adyn could open up; yet can the little fallen angel open up? And can Raynie handle the aftermath? We think not.
"I have someone I'd like you all to meet! My dad!" Raynie exclaimed, her mako-blue eyes lighting up. Adyn opened one eye, yet closed it again as he leaned against a wall. Who cares about your father... well, at least you HAVE one. Rena clapped her hands, smiling brightly. Tyken rolled his eyes. He would rather watch plants grow. "Alright, gang! This is my dad! Cloud Strife!"
"WHOA! THE Cloud Strife!?"
"That's the one!"
"AMAZING!" Rena yelled, hopping to her feet. Adyn glanced up and looked at a tall man, probably in his 20's. He was blonde with gravity-defying hair and had amazing blue eyes. Adyn blushed and looked away. He's....cute. Like a girl. Cloud waved a little and looked at the goth boy who was withdrawn from the welcoming wagon. He thought he was looking into a mirror of his old self. He used to be withdrawn, yet he was more open.
"Who's that?"
"That's Adyn! Adyn come say hi!!!"
"No thanks. I can live another day without seeing him..."
"Adyn....just never had a I guess he's jealous that I do."
"I'm not jealous!"
"Pleasure to meet you, Adyn." Cloud whispered softly. Adyn looked up and blushed more, seeing as Cloud walked over himself. If the kid wasn't going to introduce himself, Cloud would just have to do it for him. Adyn's red devil tail swayed a little. He looked away, hiding his expression with his torn black scarf. He stuffed his hands into his black jean pockets. "Raynie has talked about quiet you are. Why don't you open up?"
"I don't like talking..."
"Come on, guys! Let's go! My dad wants to talk to Adyn; I guess."
"BYE ADYN-KUUUN! Nice meetin' ya, Cloud-sama!"
"See ya..."
"It doesn't matter that you don't like talking. You have to talk to somebody. Why, what's the matter?"
"I...I just don't feel like talking, okay!? Can't somebody not want to talk!?"
"Don't run away from your problems, it never helps."
"Why are you in my business, anyway?"
"Because I can be....and because I think you're cute." Cloud said softly, putting an arm on the wall. Adyn backed up into the wall and stared at his angelic face. How can a man be so handsome?! It...shouldn't be's like the angels carved his face. Adyn flapped his wing softly, a little annoyed that Cloud kept interrogating him. Why does he think I'm cute?! Cloud smirked and leaned in, his eyes staring into Adyn's golden hawk eyes. He gulped a little, still blushing furiously. "'re even more adorable when you blush..."
"What are you talking about!?"
"You really are dense... makes you more cute."
"I...I don't get it! Back off!"
"Aw, why? Don't you like me...?"
I do! But... you can't know that... Adyn bit his lip and leaned back into the wall. He hated being confused, let alone interrogated. Especially by someone he just met. His heart skipped a beat when Cloud puffed air, making his spikey hair move out of the way for a split second. "Why don't we go have some fun, Adyn?"
"Pervert! Get away!" Adyn hollered, whipping out his scythe. It glistened in the moonlight, making Cloud tense up a bit. He chuckled and touched the tip of it. He grabbed it out of Adyn's hands and chucked it behind him with ease. Uh oh.... Adyn shook nervously as Cloud placed another hand on the wall. Adyn turned to the right, his hands curled into fists. He looked away in fright, ready to punch him if it were necessary. He was shocked and amazed when Cloud only rested his chin on his forehead. He blushed and looked up.
"I'm not a pervert. I wouldn't force you to do anything, cutie." Cloud said, smiling. He tilted his head to Adyn's level, smirking. He leaned in and kissed the boy on the lips, which sent his mind into overdrive. All too fast, all too fast! I can't believe this is happening! Why!? Cloud held onto Adyn, still locked in the kiss. He pulled away and smiled brightly. The silence was so long, a pin could have dropped. But no, nothing happened.
"Love me?"
"Perhaps..." Adyn whispered. He let his hands go loose, yet he pulled them back up to touch Cloud's face. He rested his hands on his cheeks and leaned in, standing on his tip toes to kiss him. He blushed, yet Cloud just wrapped his arms around him. At least he finally opened up. Can't have him locked in all the time...
"ADYN!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY DAD!?" Raynie exclaimed, walking back in with Rena and Tyken. They all stared, jaws hanging down low. Adyn pulled away and looked over, blushing softly. Cloud pulled him into his chest, hugging him tightly. "Dad, what's goin' on!?"
"I think I love your little Fallen Angel warrior."
"Aww, Cloud-sama found love~"
"That's just....weird..."
"Now, now, Raynie. You should let me follow my heart. Anyway, I'm older than you so NYAH."
"But he's SIXTEEN. That's....that's rape!"
"....your point is?"
"I don't want my dad to be a pedophile!!!"
"Meh, go tell the police if it bothers you so much." Cloud replied bluntly, kissing Adyn on the forehead. Adyn blushed and smiled softly, hugging Cloud. Raynie stood there in shock, not believing her dad was gay. She had enough, so she ran out of the alley. Rena and Tyken quickly and eagerly followed, seeing as they didn't want to be left there watching them kiss and/or make-out. (That's a sight Tyken NEVER wanted to even IMAGINE.) "She better not tell the police..."
"You won't rape me, right!?"
"Heck no! Once your legal, you're ALL mine."
"So comforting...."
"Tch, you like it~"
"Maybe I do!"
"Just a maybe? Aw, come on now..."
"Alright...I probably do."
"I guess that'll have to suffice for now..."
"Are you cheating on me with Leon!?"
"YOU ARE! I KNEW IT! We are sooooo over!"
"You're kinda dumb...."
"It's 'cause I'm blonde. That's why. Blondes are dumb."
"No. I just think you're...dumb. You say blondes are dumb, but not all of them are. You're using that stereotype to your advantage..."
"So what? You still love me, right?"
"Of course I still love. I'll never stop lovin' ya, Cloudy-kins!"
"Please don't call me that....please. Just...don't."
"Not that."
"How about..."