Mar 23, 2010 16:15
I appreciate so much all of your comments yesterday. I have resigned myself to the fact that my computer is desperately ill, and I won't use it until it is better. I hope that my daughter, the computer whiz also known as Adriel, will come over and fix it if I pay her gas. I'd give her more than gas if I could but our budget is so tight it squeaks!
One thing I would like to have are your email addresses. Please send me an email at (without the spaces): QuilterK @ roadrunner . com . I am now using Bear's computer (see the icon? I just made that and couldn't wait to use it! LOL), and found a way to put an Outlook mail account in my own name, so we both have accounts we can access. Cool! I can't get to my old emails, sadly, so if I owe you a letter PLEASE tell me, and if you can resend it (look in your "sent" file), please do.
I am able to go on LJ, as you can see, so I am going to use his computer in the day and he can use it in the evening. His computer is faster than mine ever was, or at least as far as I remember. It is 2 years old, and a Gateway, if that tells you anything! Adriel is constantly reminding us that we didn't consult HER when we bought my computer and she would have definitely nixed the Gateway choice. Oh well.
I don't think I can upload my camera picture here, which is very sad as I have a camera FULL of photos to share with you. Bear's computer doesn't take those little memory cards, if I remember correctly.
Teresa, my aide, called me about 35 minutes after she was due to start her shift here. I was worried about her, so I'm very glad she called. Her husband needed to go to the emergency room urgently, and she had to leave her morning patient to take him. SOOOOOOOOO we had no warning, of course (she can't help that, of course!) so no lunch plan. The dogs had to go out, as Bella always stays in our bed (yes, IN, not on) until about 11 AM and refuses to go out when Bear goes to work early in the morning. So she has to wait to do her business until 12:30. At 2:30, I finally had the gumption up to take her out. It is 35 degrees outside today!! There was snow last night and this morning. And it's Spring. Yep, spring in the Heart of the Appalachians! Poor Spencer holds his pee until Bear gets home, if needed, but I managed to get him out and back in, too. He is more difficult for me to do, but I did it - YAY! Neither dog wanted to stay outside, which was especially good because I had to sit outside and watch Bella go down the steps, sniff around forever until she finds THE right spot.
I am extremely exasperated with my medical situation, as I don't really have a doctor who is involved in my treatment except my Rheumatologist PA who is almost 2 hours away and who can't do it all. Still no cardiologist appointment. My doctor "didn't get" the faxed lab results from her NOR the nursing notes from my home health nurse. Right. Two faxes that just never arrived. Uh huh. My nurse and my PA are so frustrated, as am I.
Also, I no longer seem to have the orthostatic hypotension (stand up and you can faint... have had that for a very long time), but when I stand up now, my pulse rate shoots to over 100. Hmmm.
I truly do hope you are having a happy Spring so far! :)