Tuesday Talk

May 19, 2009 12:47

Last night I finished the book Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. I will be putting up a review later today. I enjoyed it a lot, even though I have no interest in racing cars whatsoever. It wasn't *really* about that anyway.

I didn't go to the gynecologist yesterday since I have to go to Kingsport tomorrow to the pulmonologist appointment. I will see the gynecologist in two weeks. The MRSA issue is more pressing, at least for me. I am feeling much better the last few days, which is a huge relief. I am hoping the MRSA is gone now. My blood sugars continue to stay in the lower range. I've had TWO low blood sugar events at 3:00 AM in the last week! That is no fun, let me tell you.

Today is beautiful outside and despite having frost again for the second night, the temps are supposed to get to 70 degrees today, though I have my doubts it will reach it. It is 60 degrees and sunny right now, a glorious day, and it is nearly 1 o'clock in the afternoon. I hope the weather is like this tomorrow!

Over the weekend we got out our seasonal clothing and switched them. It is quite a job, but we only have one very small closet so we have to do it this way. I am wearing a summery style top and capri pants today and it's nice to be with the season. Also, Bear trimmed the Buddlea (sp?) "butterfly plant" and got the dead wood away so the new growth can come up. He planted another hosta for me, in a pot to go on the front steps where I can see it every day. He also bought a couple of watering "globes" for two of our plants so they won't accidently go without water.

He quilted on Sunday but had a terrible time with birds-nests on the back and had to do a lot of unpicking. It was so frustrating for him as this quilt needs to get done before school is out if possible. It is a customer quilt -- a very misshapened, haphazardly pieced old quilt top that she wanted to be squared up, quilted, and bound. It is quite a job for both of us (I do the hand binding). I have a quilt top that has been waiting for a long time for him to quilt for me so I can give it to my friend, Carole. It's a springtime quilt called "Tulip Garden" (I showed photos of it earlier) but it won't be springtime when she finally gets it!

weather, flowers, quilts, plants

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