(no subject)

Nov 07, 2005 21:11

She's already 10lbs 4ozs!! I decided to call the pediatrician and change her appointment to today, because she's been having so many problems with the damn reflux. For the past three nights I've been up all night with her because of it. My grandmother keeps telling me it's colic, but I know it's not. It's right after she eats and when I hold her in a certain position (ie. on her side or upright on my shoulder) she doesn't cry. I guess the acid doesn't burn her that way?

The other day, in fact, I actually got Mylicon drops. I know they're for gas, but people were telling me that sometimes it helped relieve reflux problems. Most of the time when I give her the drops, it helps and she'll go right back off to sleep, but sometimes it just remains unrelieved and she still screams in pain. It's not just a normal cry like a hunger or diaper change cry, it's a screach...you can just tell that she's in pain. It kills me to see her in pain like that because I really want to help her.

When we went to the pediatricians office today, she switched Alayna onto Isomil and told us to add 1 tea spoon of Gerber Baby rice cereal to it. (4oz of formula) She also told us that we have to go to a Pediatric Gastrointerologist. Well on the way home I stopped and got the cereal and fed her with it at her 2pm feeding. Well, she was fine. No spitting up, no crying, went right to sleep after her feeding...! I was amazed and thought we'd found the solution! Well, we hadn't. Around 5:30 pm when she was in her bassinet, I hear her screaming. So I go into her room to find that she threw up all over herself & the bedding. :( So I had to give her a complete bath and change the bedding. (Which is still awaiting me to go downstairs and wash it. lol) After her bath, I held her for a bit and she fell asleep. I had answered a call from my uncle and was just about to give the phone to my mom when Alayna throws up all over again! It seemed more like phlem than anything, but...I couldn't take any chances. I called the pediatrician. She told me to reduce her feedings to 2.5 or 3 oz's every 3 hours because of the fact that it's probably too much for her stomach to digest. She said she's tolerating the formula + rice cereal well because she didn't spit it up RIGHT after she ate, but it's just too much for her to digest. So I'm going to try that in a bit. Right now she's sleeping nicely, so I'm not going to wake her up until she lets me know that she's hungry.

I noticed something today...when you wet Alayna's hair, she looks JUST like her father. She's also getting her father's hair color. Her hair is going to be so curly just like her dad's, I can bet that. I also am pretty sure that she's going to be built like her dad. Very skinny. I mean, Alayna is 10lbs and even the doctor didn't beleive it. She said that she's a very long baby (her dad is tall) and she's thin. She's not chubby like a lot of 10 pound one month old babies are!! But I'm happy. She's almost 2lbs up from her birth weight! :) Yay!!

I've been so depressed lately. My mom is trying to tell me that it's post partum depression, but even during the beginning/middle of my pregnancy I was depressed because of a lot of stuff going on. I'm depressed because Alayna isn't going to have a father who is there for her all of the time, she's going to have only one parent. I mena, it just depressses me because I didn't have a father and I really don't want her to live like that. I'm also depressed over other guy issues I'm having, the one person who I need so badly isn't there for me right now, he's battling his own life issues, I just feel like a fat pig. I know I'm not. I lost a good amount of the weight I gained during pregnancy, but I just feel like I'm still huge. I know I'm not, but I'm not completely back to my pre-pregnancy image...I'm going to start exercising again when I'm allowed to (6weeks post partum) so...then I'm sure I'll feel a lot better.

I'll leave you with a few pictures of Alayna. :) A little smile for the camera!
What the hell!?

Her next to her one month picture
"Mommy & me"
I was trying to make the same face as her, but she changed her expression lol

She looks like her daddy here
And here
and here

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