The Internet Has Let Me Down

Nov 09, 2010 23:07

 Why isn't anybody writing Scott Pilgrim slash?

I mean, it's not like I actually ship anything like, oh, say, Wallace/Scott.  Not seriously.  But the thought is kind of nice, you know, when I'm tired and it's NaNo so I feel guilty writing fanfiction of my own but I just have this random craving for the potential adorableness of Wallace/Scott.  I feel like I should be able to find something on the world wide web to satisfy it, shouldn't I?  Somebody out there has to have thought of it.  It's so obvious!  But all I can find is femslash, mostly starring Kim, which is badass and awesome and usually would do the trick except that I really really want to read about Wallace flirting with awkward Scott.

I feel like that is not too much to ask from the crazy world of fandom.  

random, wallace william wells, fanfiction, scott pilgrim

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