Life Update

Nov 25, 2010 23:17

I'd forgotten how it feels to not be going crazy constantly.  I've just been in a good space these past few days.  Thanksgiving mega-weekend has been very good for me, and I figured I'd blog about things now while I'm not feeling whiny and distressed.

Last weekend, I was in a couple of performances of Into The Woods.  I was Cinderella's Mother...which, if you haven't seen the show, means that I was a ghost in a tree for a couple of scenes, and offstage for the majority of the play.  It was a great end product, and we had fun, but the experience was...less than ideal for my final high school show.  I'm already kind of painfully shy around the music department, so with my small role I felt very ostracized from the group of people I was supposed to be close to.  No matter how much I wanted to be in with the group, I just didn't know how to do it, and I wound up sitting in the corner talking to the small group of social outcasts (I could complain about the exclusionary tactics of the music kids, but honestly I'm sick of talking about it).  I met a couple great new friends, but at the end of the experience I felt very disconnected.  The show rehearsals were exhausting simply for their length and social issues, and I went pretty crazy in the weeks leading up to it.  I think on one school day I cried twice in two different classes over incredibly trivial matters.

And then the show was over.  All the stress just dropped away, and I got the chance to get back to normal life.  I got to go home after school and sleep and do my homework.  I'll have the chance to actually attend a full literary magazine meeting.  It feels ridiculously good to just be doing what I always do.  So I have been significantly less crazy in the past week, and it's been pretty wonderful.

Yesterday, I helped Christmas-fy the school chorus room, then went to see Tangled with the female a capella group I'm in.  Today we had the biggest Thanksgiving in the history of our family Thanksgivings, and it was so nice to see everybody.  Tomorrow, I'm hopefully seeing Mega Mind with my lovely siblings, and then maybe going to the Into The Woods post-show cast party (I do hope that it goes more smoothly than the actual show).  Saturday will be my homework/project catch-up day, but that won't actually be too terrible because for one project I think I'm going to get to analyze an episode of Star Trek TOS.  All in all, this weekend has been and will continue to be excellent.

I gave up on NaNo.  With the stress of the show and the suckiness of the idea, I just couldn't handle it.  But I've come to terms with that, and I'm already in the pre-planning stages of a much better writing project.  So that's okay.

All in all?  Senior year is looking up.  

senior year, disney, star trek, artemis is an angsty waffle, nanowrimo, boring real life

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