tonight was nice, tomorrow will be nice. life is just nice when you surround yourself with people you love and that love you. haha, all this optimism is so unnatural in this little digital niche. im just a code, or a series of numbers or letters here, but in my head, im me. this journal is merely an extension of how i feel and what i see. this journal is no more that a way to explain my feelings, to share ideas, and to tell people things i might otherwise forget-...
...chance, i downloaded this "black bear" ceedee for you and i found SOME (the majority) of the incredible moses leroy album we were looking for. some of the tracks in the torrent were corrupt (i believe), so maybe i can fix that, but ill keep looking. ill add it to the long list of YOUR music on my ipod ^_^
...remember to tell (rehab) ryan to get AIM/ a livejournal account. this seems very out of character for him, but it would make keeping in contact with him very easy and way faster than talking to his step-mom.
...andrea, we need to do something really neato, cause its getting slightly bearable outside, which means our options (like the zoo) are nearing a possibility. we have fun together, sure, but think about how much excitement a crocodile that hasnt moved in four years will add to our lives!... also, we should invite people and feed the animals ^_^
...ask some people about good bands to look into. i got some of those streets albums too, and i really enjoy them ^_^ haha...
...alright, good night.