Jan 12, 2007 01:27
I like putting my day's events into my awya messgaes but since my computer is currently in the car (i'm on the home computer) I won't hav e one for the immense amount of things that will be going on tomorrow so here's a post that will act as my away message (though I did just realize only "friends" on livejournal will be able to read this because i'm not online to have the link in my profile... eh whatever)
And the fun begins:
-picking up Andrea in Holdbrook (approx 10 am)
-convoying with Szklany and maybe Greg to Cuse
-stopping just before New York for lunch
-dropping off our shit at our houses and then to wegmans (approx 3:30 pm)
-dinner with Andrea most likely
-picking up Alex at the airport (6 pm)
-picking up Gianna at the train station (7pm)
-drinking... and I'll be supplying the beer : )
I'm only going to sleep because it'll make the time go by faster... here's to next semester!!