Fanfiction : Naruto - NaruIno In 30 Kisses #2

May 26, 2006 11:50

Title: Through The Wire.
Type: Fanfiction : Naruto.
Prompt: Themes taken from 30_kisses. #2 News; Letter.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Kishimoto does, but he sucks at it.
Rating: PG15. For language.
Word Count: 649 words.
Summary: The evidence of a correspondence between Naruto and Ino. [ NaruIno ]. On-going.
Author's Note: The now-no-longer-nonexistent third installation. I like writing notes and letters, so I marginally enjoyed this. Feedbacks are love love love!

through the wire


Won’t be coming to your place for dinner today. Ero-sensei said something important came up and he needs my help with the network.

Save me some yakisoba.




I hate you.

Not yours,
The Beautiful Lady That You Ditched.


The Beautiful Lady That I Ditched,

I’m really sorry, ‘kay? It’s not like I can say ‘no’ or something. I owe the old pervert for saving my ass back then. He’s gonna bitch about it if I decline. Besides, I’d rather have you sleeping next to me right now than him. I swear Jiraiya’s starting to smell like his toads.

It’s cold out here.

Missing you,
The Dickhead. (drawing of two stick figures making out)



You’re bloody impossible, you know that? For the record, you shouldn’t attempt anything artistic if you lack the talent. It’s painful to look at, and my stick figure has disproportioned breast, you bastard.

Get back soon. It’s cold here too.

Missing you too,



I need the actual visual image to make everything accurate, you know.

Naruto. (drawing of a misshapen heart-look-alike… thingy)



Jiraiya’s rubbing off onto you. You’re sleeping on the couch once you get your ass back in Konoha. Ad infinitum.

Perverts Hater,
Yamanaka Ino.



I was just kidding. Mission’s going well. Expect the great Uzumaki Naruto back in Konoha by next week!


p/s: You’re not serious about the couch, right?



Stop sending singing frogs to my apartment. The neighbours are complaining about those horrible croaks. They sound worse than a drunken Gai.


p/s: I forgive you.



Things got complicated. Akatsuki’s here, more than four agents this time. Can’t write much; Jiraiya’s waiting for me. We’re gonna head south and lay low for a week or two. I hate this.

Keep Gamakichi close. If anything happens, tell him to seek me out. And don’t let him get to the sake.

Is Very Pissed Off,
Naruto. (drawing of blonde stick man kicking stick men in black/red robes)

p/s: I love you.

Yamanaka Ino frowned at the note in her hand, before carefully folding it and placed it into one of her weapon pouches. The paper crinkled as it joined its predecessors in the pouch. Something obviously just went wrong. It always did and it somehow always involved Uzumaki Naruto in one way or another. It usually took one to three days for Naruto’s messenger to reach her, so it would’ve been one to three days since Naruto and Jiraiya had started hiding from bloody Akatsuki. Concern was clearly written on her pale face, as well as annoyance. She pointedly raised an eyebrow at the small toad blinking up at her.

Damn. First his team, and now his pet.

Ino sighed. She didn’t remember agreeing to be a babysitter when she started dating Naruto.

“Follow me,” the blonde interrogator ordered, already pivoting on her heels towards the training field where Team One was already waiting for her. The three brats were obedient (read: properly scared) enough to follow her disgruntled orders since the day Naruto departed. If she was lucky, the kids would be too caught up in toad-catching exercise to bother her for the rest of the morning.

Gamakichi blinked again and hopped behind Ino, scampering madly to match the interrogator’s long strides.

Upon arriving at the bridge over the river running along the training ground, Ino suddenly stopped. Gamakichi, unaware of the action, collided with boots-clad legs and stumbled back with a yelp of pain. The interrogator turned and knelt in front of the toad, lips curved into an odd smirk.

“Now, little guy,” purred Ino, grey-blue eyes gleaming. “Let’s see what you can do with three hyperactive brats.”

Gamakichi squeaked in terror.

Yamanaka Ino’s smirk widened and she leant forward, dropping a kiss between the toad’s round eyes.

“Good luck.”


Edit needed. Please and thank you.

!fanfiction, !character: uzumaki naruto, !pairing: naruino, !character: yamanaka ino, !prompt: 30 kisses, !fandom: naruto

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