Title: Things The Anime and Manga Never Tell You About Ichimaru Gin.
Type: Fanfiction : Bleach.
Prompt: Idea taken from
Disclaimer: I don’t own Bleach. It is owned by the marvellous Kubo Tite, whom I’ll marry without hesitation.
Rating: PG15, for silliness.
Word Count: DO NOT WANT. D:
Summary: Knowing the man behind those sharp grins and sharper eyes. [ Gen ]. One-shot.
Author's Note: ICHIMARU GIN FOR PRESIDENT. Somehow, I always end up liking the psychotic ones. But hey, he's awesome so what the heck. Feedbacks are so much love!
things the anime and manga never tell you about ichimaru gin
1. Ichimaru Gin likes Soul Society. He really does. But as per his nature, he destroys everything and everyone that he likes.
2. Bit of a pity for Matsumoto and Kira, really.
3. Ichimaru Gin adores cute and sweet things (has a chronic case of sweet tooth in fact), especially those pretty little cakes that mortals make and sell in highly-decorated establishments.
4. The members of the Third Division have wrongly suspected their Vice Captain for the liberal amount of candies and assorted saccharine treats currently stocked in the division’s kitchen.
5. Ichimaru Gin thinks that Kuchiki Byakuya is an uptight, go-by-the-book, noble-born pansy. He also thinks that Byakuya’s suppressed love towards his adopted sister is kind of cute and sweet.
But that still makes Byakuya a pansy, if not more.
6. Ichimaru Gin smiles because he can.
7. If he is not smiling, you had better run for your precious life. Preferably half a globe away from him.
8. … Never mind. In retrospect, even that won’t help.
9. Ichimaru Gin respects Aizen Sousuke because the bespectacled captain is willing to take unimaginable risks to reach his goal. Willing to step over a few insignificant beings along that path to greatness. Willing to sacrifice some to reach the end of that path. Willing to break the sacred law that binds the very core of the society.
Unlike a certain pansy captain and the rest of Soul Society…
10. If you asked, no, Ichimaru Gin is not obsessed with Kuchiki Byakuya. He just thinks that the stoic captain is too fun of a conquest to be left in peace.
11. One of the things that you will notice about Ichimaru Gin when you first meet him is that he is friendly. Overly so, sometimes, but friendlier than any of the other division captains. He will tilt his head amiably, grin widely and greet you like an old friend.
12. The next thing you will notice is how that friendliness can be so oddly suffocating at the same time.
13. Rukia learns that the hard way. She often wonders if her brother feels the same way.
14. Ichimaru Gin prefers dawn over any other time of the day. It is at dawn that he rises to face the new day, faces the fresh sun and sees who he has slept with last night. Usually, he finds himself with vice-captains. The legal ones anyway.
15. Once, it had been Nemu. And Ichimaru Gin had the fortunate opportunity of playing hide-and-seek with Kurotsuchi Mayuri from the Twelfth Division for the next few weeks.
It was a fun experience indeed. Who knew that Kurotsuchi-taichou can be so possessive and persistent?
16. Ichimaru Gin can cook up a royal banquet if he chooses to. He just thinks that it’s cute to see his sweet vice-captain in a pink apron inside his kitchen preparing dinner for him everyday. It makes him reflects on how much he’ll miss the young blond once Aizen-taichou’s plan is carried out.
17. Ichimaru Gin rarely reminisces. He has nothing worthy to reminisce about anyway. He prefers thinking about now and the future. Because they are something that he can change.
Past things are dead things. And dead things are useless things.*
18. Ichimaru Gin has no use for useless things. Which is what Hinamori Momo will be once the fiasco is over.
19. Ichimaru Gin likes Soul Society, even with it rules and regulations, incompetent subordinates, watery sake, unfriendly colleagues and lack of estrogen carriers. It almost feels like home.
20. Which is why Ichimaru Gin wants to see it go up in flames one day. Or bathed in blood. Either is fine.
* : quoted from one of my favourite Get Backers' fanfic authors.
Edit needed. Please and thank you.