Fanfiction : Naruto - NaruIno in 30 Kisses #12

May 14, 2006 16:04

Title: Revelation.
Type: Fanfiction : Naruto.
Prompt: Themes taken from 30_kisses. #12 In A Good Mood.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Kishimoto does, but he sucks at it.
Rating: PG15. For language.
Word Count: 1,457 words.
Summary: Naruto's (unfortunate) students find out that their neurotic sensei is in love. Which means trouble trouble trouble for them. [ NaruIno ]. On-going.
Author's Note: *is unable to comment*


Uzumaki Naruto was in an especially good mood. Come to think of it, the blond jounin was downright jolly as he appeared in a puff of grey smoke in front of his startled students, one and a half hour late from their meeting time. He didn’t even greet them with his customary ‘1000 Years of Pain’ sneak attack (under the excuse that they needed to build up their vigilance and endurance towards pain; his students knew that their sensei was just a depraved sadist in need of serious psychological treatment). Uzumaki Naruto poof-ed into existence and merrily grinned at his three brats from the branch that he was perching on.

Team One took one look at the wide grin decorating their sensei’s face and exchanged horrified looks with each other.

A Naruto-sensei in good mood was not good; it usually promised imminent torture and heaps of humiliation for them.

Last time he was in a good mood (when someone threw a party to celebrate Naruto’s birthday), Team One was assigned to dung disposal. It was not a pleasant experience, no. The smell stuck to them for three straight days despite the vicious scrubbing prescribed to them by their respective parents.

“Sorry I’m late,” began the jounin, waving around a familiar orange book. “I was actually early but you see, I met this old man with crooked back and…”

Team One continued to stare at their sensei in horror, too aghast to even tell their sensei that he had used that excuse three days before.

“… so I gave him a peanut butter sandwich, some bread and sent him back.” Naruto finished his story with a flourish of orange book, still grinning somewhat disturbingly cheerful at his petrified students. “So, kids, guess what our mission is today?”

A collective terrified squeak came from the general direction of said kids.

Naruto’s grin widened, almost arriving to the point of being feral. “That’s the spirit!” He held up a scroll with a bold, glaring ‘D’ printed on its front. “Iruka-sensei needs some help to do the inventory of mission reports in the Hokage Tower. I volunteered my wonderful team to help him.”

Team One flinched and whimpered, clutching at each other for support. This was much, much worse than cleaning by-products of cows; Iruka-sensei was notoriously known for being a meticulous perfectionist and unintentional slave driver, especially in matters involving paperwork. And the Inventory Room of the Hokage Tower was affectionately called the ‘Hellhole of Konoha’ for its reputation to periodically drown unaware chuunins in tsunamis of mission folders and papers. It was said that fifteen chuunins had disappeared to date, and that only Umino Iruka was untouched by the malevolent curse presiding over the room so far.

A resounding clap from their sensei snapped the poor trembling kids out of their fear-induced trance. “What are we waiting for? Let’s get to work!”

Five hours later, Uzumaki Naruto and his worn, mentally-damaged team could be seen ensconced comfortably inside Ichiraku’s warm glow, nursing bowls of steaming ramen in front of them. The kids ate their share in perfect silence for once, munching and swallowing their noodles mechanically as their eyes glazed over and their brains tried to revive themselves from the traumatic experience earlier. The Inventory Room was the pits of all pits. They could never look at papers ever again without screaming in terror and/or fleeing for dear lives. Naruto was happily oblivious of the dazed state of his team, as he chattered on with Ayame about his newly acquired girlfriend.

Right on cue, said ‘newly-acquired girlfriend’ suddenly materialised behind him and slapped the back of his head.


“One vegetarian ramen, please,” said Yamanaka Ino to a giggling Ayame, flashing the other young woman a knowing smirk. She sat right next to Uzumaki Naruto, who was snorting out bits of half-masticated noodles from his nostrils, and kissed his reddening cheek fondly. “Miss me?”

The trio under Naruto’s command stopped eating almost immediately upon realizing that they had company. They eyed the long-haired blonde besides their sensei with extreme wariness, as someone who could attack Naruto-sensei was someone that should be reckoned with. Even Rock ‘Green Beast Jr’ Lee-sensei had a hard time besting Naruto-sensei in a one-on-one match, and that was after Lee-sensei opened three of his Gates (they were unlucky enough to be the sole witnesses of Training Ground 13’s destruction). Besides, it wasn’t often that they found their idiot sensei in the presence of a female.

And Haruno-neechan didn’t count as a female because her punches hurt like hell.

Oblivious of his students’ opinion of his social prowess (or lack thereof), Naruto coughed for a good while before he finally managed to be coherent enough to provide an answer to Ino’s question. “What the hell, Ino?! What was that for?”

Ino scowled in disapproval at the spike-headed blond and stomped on his uncovered toes. Pure agony (and much wailing) ensued.

Someone should really invent a more practical boots for the good shinobi of Konoha.

“Don’t use vulgar language in front of impressionable children,” admonished the interrogator, jabbing her index finger dangerously close to Naruto’s eyeballs. She turned and smiled sweetly at said children, who was cowering back in fear of her, instead of their sensei’s potty mouth (whom they have grown accustomed to). “I’m Yamanaka Ino, from the Torture and Interrogation Department. Nice to meet you.”

After several seconds of hesitance, the self-proclaimed leader of Team One finally did a tentative bow towards Yamanaka Ino. He was tall and lanky for a twelve year old, with spiked grey hair and spindly limbs that moved awkwardly as he fidgeted around. His dark brown eyes, though, shone with intensity and determination in contrast with his gauche nature. “My name’s Shinichi. Haiiro Shinichi.”

“I’m Hiragi Ume!” chimed in a green-haired girl behind Shinichi, the one that Yamanaka Ino recognized as her ‘stalker’ from before. The interrogator decided on the spot that she liked the girl’s bubbly enthusiasm and twinkling jade eyes, when she was not following people around under her sensei’s order. Kinda reminded her of a certain pink-haired gorilla subordinate of Godaime-sama’s.

The last member of Team One was a quiet boy that looked vaguely familiar to Ino, especially the black eyeglasses perched on his nose. He nodded at her mutely and muttered ‘Aburame Shinji’, before turning back to his bowl of ramen. His eyebrows were twitching sporadically as he stared into the depth of the bowl, much to Ino’s amusement. Right, not as stoic as she had first assumed.

Yamanaka Ino thought that the kids were adorable, in a juvenile sort of way.

The kids thought that Yamanaka Ino was tolerable, in an intimidating sort of way.

Uzumaki Naruto thought that he better get some action tonight for the pain he had been subjected to.

“How come you never tell me that you have an Aburame in your team?” the blonde woman asked once she turned back to her consort.

The jounin shrugged, rubbing his abused toes gingerly. “Why should I?”

“Is he Shino’s son?” the interrogator pursued, glancing sideway at said boy. The three kids were huddled together, whispering and shooting occasional grim stares at the two adults. “I didn’t know that he’d married.”

“Not son; youngest brother,” corrected Naruto. “Kid got some unresolved issues with Shino, so you better not mention his name in front of Shinji.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Ino nodded, sipping on her cup of tea thoughtfully. “How’s your day so far? Done anything productive?”

“Yeah,” the jounin pushed his empty bowl forward and tilted his head so that he was directly facing Ino. “Helped Iruka-sensei in the Inventory Room. That place’s such a mess; it’s worse than my room.”

“Tell me about it,” grumbled the interrogator, grey-blue eyes glazed over as she recalled a particularly nasty memory. “I was sent to assist Iruka-sensei when I fucked up in a mission last month. I had to take two days off after that to recover and write a three-page long apology letter to the captain.”

Naruto laughed at that; loud, raucous laughter that bounced off the walls of Ichiraku and resounded brightly around them. Annoyed, Ino smacked him in the arm, which resulted in a bicker that became more physical than verbal as not-so-nice words (despite Ino’s warning earlier) were thrown about carelessly. Ayame merely smiled in amusement, stirring the bubbling soup inside a big pot with admirable calmness, as if a couple of batshit crazy shinobi was not wrecking havoc to her ramen stall.

Team One gawped at the mayhem before them.

They finally understood why Naruto-sensei was in such a good mood.

Naruto-sensei was… in love. With that scary Yamanaka-san.

Shinichi, Ume and Shinji shuddered in unison.

They’re so doomed.


Edit needed. Please and thank you.

!fanfiction, !character: uzumaki naruto, !pairing: naruino, !character: yamanaka ino, !prompt: 30 kisses, !fandom: naruto

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