Fanfiction : Naruto - 20 Unknown Facts About Morino Ibiki

May 13, 2006 14:15

Title: Twenty Unknown Facts About Morino Ibiki.
Type: Fanfiction : Naruto
Prompt: Idea taken from 20_truths.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto. Kishimoto does, but he sucks at it.
Rating: PG15, for silliness.
Word Count: 634 words.
Summary: Who is Morino Ibiki, underneath that scowls and scars and hardened shell. [ Gen ]. One-shot.
Author's Note: I have no idea why but I like Morino Ibiki. Perhaps it's because he's such a strong character, with possibly bloodier past and even bloodier hands. Very much appeal. XD And feedbacks will be so much loved!

twenty unknown facts about morino ibiki

1. Morino Ibiki is a man that follows his own set of codes and rules. That includes appearing all gruff and scary and sadistic to the majority of Konoha to maintain his reputation.

2. Said reputation will probably be damaged beyond repair if anyone ever find out that Morino Ibiki adores small animals. His apartment now boasts a proud amount of 23 cats, three puppies (Kakashi took the other six to train into nin dogs), 14 birds from different species and seven squirrels. There are also the occasional guinea pigs he rescues from Anko's testing dungeon.

3. Most of Morino Ibiki's recent scars originate from his attempts in rescuing those pigs.

4. Morino Ibiki thinks that Mitarashi Anko is a sadistic bitch with the meanest infatuation over traps and snake pits and chains and flying cleavers.

5. Morino Ibiki knows that Hatake Kakashi knows his little secret.

6. Morino Ibiki also knows that Hatake Kakashi knows that he knows what really happened between Kakashi and Asuma when two gallons of sake was brought into an exclusive jounin-only party they had earlier that year.

7. Morino Ibiki does not think that blackmailing is wrong.

8. What Morino Ibiki does not know is that everyone knows - well, at least the jounins do... Kakashi, despite being an ex-ANBU and a jounin himself, can't keep secrets very well. Especially when Anko threatened him with snakes and chains and snakes with chains.

9. Morino Ibiki avoids the jounin lounge because it creeps him out to see almost half of the female jounins making moony eyes at him every time he enters the room.

10. The second reason is that the sight of Anko, with snakes and chains dangling from her desk, disturbs him perhaps a bit too much.

11. Morino Ibiki does not have a girlfriend because he can not afford it. A huge chunk of his salary and time is devoted to feeding and tending his little friends.

12. Morino Ibiki gets very lonely sometimes, but he is a shinobi. And a shinobi is always lonely.

13. Morino Ibiki does not have many friends. The few that he has, he is willing to go to hell and back to protect.

14. Morino Ibiki learns the hard way that receiving various forms of torture throughout the years of his career has a nasty effect. He finds himself in the hospital one day after collapsing in the toilet, paralysed and coughing out blood every ten minutes.

15. Morino Ibiki respects Godaime-sama for putting him in a separate room. It will not do his reputation any good to be seen in the polka dotted patient's robe.

16. The day he is discharged, Morino Ibiki goes on a rampage when he finds out that someone has been circulating pictures of him in the polka dotted patient's robe.

17. Morino Ibiki has never killed a Konoha citizen before, but Maito Gai very nearly became the first. And that green brat student of his. At least he gets their Polaroid camera and thrashes the damned gadget good and bloody.

18. Morino Ibiki wears that long coat and bulky clothes to hide his thinning body. Godaime-sama told him that he has five to seven years to live. He knows he only has three left.

19. Morino Ibiki knows that it is not easy to find his successor; good interrogators with iron guts are scarce in this peaceful time. Wimps, all of them new shinobi.

20. Morino Ibiki worries too much. He needs to find a successor, train that unlucky brat of his choice, pay off his mortgage, make sure that Konoha is safe from harm before he's gone and threaten someone into housing his pets.

Morino Ibiki is just human, and he knows so.


Edit needed like ZOMG!

!fanfiction, !character: morino ibiki, !prompt: 20 truths, !fandom: naruto

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