Apr 20, 2004 18:48
I feel that if you believe in something that someone is trying to sell then go ahead and buy it or go for what they are talking about it. Sometimes certaing things don't fail. Sometimes you have to be at the right place at the right time. To be honest I could tell you that you could really withdraw from being persuaded by some propaganda issues and believe in your own information that you get or just have faith in the people around yous stuff, just so you don't follow all the propaganda issues.
I have been persuaded to by things or believe something someone said or what someone stated or claimed was true, but I didn't have to. Somethings I don't believe and somethings I don't follow. It is all in the person choice with what they hear or with what they see for what they believe in. If I believed in a pill being able to make me lose weight I would buy it but, I don't believe that so I don't buy it.
Iraq is a whole other issue. The politicians have said so much about what was suppose to happen with this was and what is and was suppose to happen with the country. Their is more serios issues happening now then when we started doing talks with Iraq. Sometimes I think the politicians make us look like clowns as people in this messed up world. I could write a book about my thoughts on Iraq, but washed most of them out of memory. oops