(Acording to someone I trust very much I should 'unfriends-lock' this. If he says I should it's good enough for me. Though, everything else has been left as is so now some of it may seem silly because it's not 'friends-locked'.)
Being respectful of peoples privacy I shall not paste
infamyanonymous's email and shall friends lock this because I'm not sure how appropriate posting it is and I'm pretty sure posting it for everyone to see isn't appropriate. But whatever.
Anyway, to fill those guys in disinterested in UniSFA and it's wonderful politics/drama, yesterday was UniSFA's AGM. At this AGM I asked
infamyanonymous the question "There was drama last year that I heard circulated around you. What will you do to address it this year?" (expect a lot harder to understand since I didn't think of the wording until I stuck up my hand) and then
infamyanonymous said she would make sure not to 'bite off more than she could chew'. So with my follow up question I asked "I remember you saying this last year, how will you change this year?" Let's just put it shortly that her answer didn't sound terribly nice.
So, this morning I get up and find I've received an email from her saying that she's angry that I made her look bad (this is more or less what I gather the email to be about).
She somehow thinks that the email will make me feel bad. Now I admit I felt sort of bad on the day, my question perhaps need not have been said and certainly brought up an ill feeling in the room (also I probably ask more of my question to her then I should and so shouldn't have taken up so much time). That said, I am not going to feel worse because
infamyanonymous tells me she is upset. I assumed that was going to be a negative by-product. :( I suppose what I'm saying (more-or-less) is that I wish people wouldn't write emails when they feel very angry, though I am assuming this was written in the heat of anger. I just don't think it does her anymore justice. Mainly because she is upset at me being spiteful (her take, not mine) and now she's trying to upset me. Actually, maybe that's not the reason. But I can't think of a reason to send it otherwise. Maybe there is a virus in it and now my computer will explode. Oh man, I would be skool'd. Man, lucky Macs can't get a virus. (That would be awesome, please don't do it to me).
So here is my reply;
infamyanonymous [changed from her real name now it's public],
I never intended to turn your friends against you. I just wished people of this year t know the troubles of last year and to give you the time to respond to the question of "how this this year going to get better drama wise".
That said I doubt this will console you in anyway but I felt some need to say it.
I hope this email doesn't make you more *insert negative emotion*.
Danica out.
I of course felt that
infamyanonymous was bad for UniSFA (an unstated premise?). All this said I hope
infamyanonymous is strong enough to pull through this. No doubt demonising myself in this matter shall help, but is it healthy? I am unsure.
Hopefully this will be the last major drama of the year (I doubt it).
All the cash on the barrel-head and get on the floor;
And all the rest of you away from the door;
And everything that you ever thought would come true.
I've got news for you...