So I'd started this thing back in October 2010, with every intention of have some sort of daily squee about Poltergeist: the Legacy for the full 30 days in a row, right? Yeah, that didn't quite happen… I'm guessing that NaNo happened, but I'd have to go back to the last post of this one to know for sure if that's the right timeframe or not. Regardless, I'm finishing it now, in three chunks [because it's 19 questions that are left]. I'll get everything all linked up later on, so that you can see the first 11 days of the meme, too, if you're curious.
25. Dream guest star?
Oh gosh, there are a ton of people I'd love to have seen on the show. The one that sticks out at the moment is Ellen Dubin. I would have loved to see her on that show, given her proclivity for acting in various scifi and paranormal shows anyway. *g*
Oh! Or Peter Wingfield would have made an awesome guest star on the show! Hell, I could just make a grocery list of Canadian actors that WEREN'T on the show that should have been. *veg*
26. Favorite guest character?
Gramma Rose Moreau, hands down. And ONLY the Esther Rolle version. And if you're not sure which episode that was, it was episode 03x13, "La Belle Dame Sans Merci". *heh*
I think my second favorite guest character was Fionnula Flanagan's Lady Dark Side. She was only in the one episode, 03x22 "Darkside". She never actually had a name, from what I remember, so she's always just been fanonly known as Lady Dark Side. Or maybe that's just my personal fanon?
Third favorite guest character would totally be Colleen Rennison's Miranda. That entire story arc was fantastic, and it made me fall in love with Rennison…
27. What would you want to see in a Poltergeist: the Legacy movie?
Well, if it occurs after the end of the series, I'd want to see what everyone has been doing for the past 12 years since Derek blew the castle to smithereens. How has everyone coped? Is Derek's ghost still around? Or Kristin's? Did everyone stay with the Legacy? What about Kat? Did she actually join the Legacy?
If it's not a post-series movie, I'd LOVE to see a more "historical" movie, about the early days/years/centuries of the Legacy. All that good history stuff that makes me happy.
28. How would you end the show?
I certainly wouldn't have blown up the fucking castle and basically destroyed the island, that's for damned sure! And even if I had to blow it up, I don't think I'd have let Derek continue to be so fucking manipulative and condescending to everyone, especially Alex. I get that he wanted Nick to be a Precept, but WTF about Alex? Was she not good enough to be a Precept? Overall, she showed more leadership ability than Nick did, I think. Oh, and that kiss? Fuck you, Derek Rayne! You're a fucking jackass to do that to Alex.
But what would I do if I was ending the show? I'd find a way to vanquish the Dark Side without destroying the team's home. Derek could still die though. Honestly, I wouldn't have ended it where it was. There were still storylines to work on, character development to be had. So how I'd end it would depend on what else had happened in the show, to be completely honest.
29. Least Favorite guest character?
I do believe I mentioned Mimi Kuzyk and her character from "The New Guard". I can't remember her name atm, but that doesn't really surprise me, you know?
30. Something you learned from watching the show.
*chuckles* Let's see…
- Um, don't get involved with your professor? *glares at Alex*
- Don't kiss your former student, who happens to be in love with you, when she's unconscious and won't even know it happened. Jackass! *glares at Derek*
- If your old college friend is acting strangely, don't follow her and get seduced into becoming a vampire and trying to eat/kill Nick. *glares at Alex again*
- If you don't want to repeat your family's dark magic history, don't ignore your family's dark magic history. Learn it. Know it. Remember it. Don't repeat it. Dumbass! *glares at Rachel*
- If you haven't had any contact with your now-dead aunt, why the hell would you stay in her clearly haunted house and become possessed by her? *glares at Rachel again*
- If you and your two best female friends are all strangely attracted to the same guy, get a fucking exorcist! *glares at Alex, Kristin, & Rachel*
- Don't go to Ireland! *glares at Julia*
- If your dead former friend/girlfriend is showing up again, it's not really her. Get out! *glares at Nick*
- If you suddenly go from conception to having a roughly 10yo son in less than 24-48 hours, it's not your fucking son! *glares at Rachel again*
- If you don't want to be taken seriously as a respected psychiatrist, you should wear low-cut tops, really short skirts, and high heels. *glares at Rachel AGAIN*
I'm sure I could keep going, but these are the ones that came to me most readily. Amusing that it's mostly the women, isn't it? LOL!
The Days
01. Favorite episode? ::
DW ||
LJ02. When did you start watching? ::
DW ||
LJ03. Favorite guest star? ::
DW ||
LJ04. Favorite female character? ::
DW ||
LJ05. Least Favorite female character? ::
DW ||
LJ06. Favorite location? ::
DW ||
LJ07. Best exit? ::
DW ||
LJ08. Worst exit? ::
DW ||
LJ09. Favorite baddie? ::
DW ||
LJ10. Least Favorite baddie? ::
DW ||
LJ11. Favorite male character? ::
DW ||
LJ12. Least Favorite male character?
13. Favorite couple?
14. Favorite quote?
15. Derek, Nick, Phillip Alex, Rachel, Kristin: who would win in a fight?
16. Favorite actress?
17. Least Favorite episode?
18. Most interesting plot?
19. Least interesting plot?
20. Plot that should have been developed/carried on?
21. An episode that made you cry?
22. Favorite actor?
23. Favorite personal interaction between characters?
24. Favorite quote?
25. Dream guest star?
26. Favorite guest character?
27. What would you want to see in a Poltergeist: the Legacy movie?
28. How would you end the show?
29. Least Favorite guest character?
30. Something you learned from watching the show.
Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.