{meme} 30 Day TV Meme :: Days 4-6

Oct 08, 2010 00:24

Yeah, so I haven't been feeling all that hot the last couple of days, hence not posting up my answers. So here you get a three-fer...

Day Four :: Favorite female character?
I really think it won't surprise anyone when I say that Alex Moreau is my favorite character. I just remember seeing her and falling instantly in love with her. It could be the Creole familial influences or the psychometry or... Or that gorgeous mane of curls. *swoons* She was also one of the first characters I remember seeing in a "current" setting that was so damned swish with computers. When I was watching the show in its first run, I was of two minds over her relationship with Derek, and loved her interactions with Rachel especially. *heh* I think if Alex hadn't been part of the team, I probably wouldn't have been quite as enamored of the show. Oh, I'd have still liked it, but it wouldn't have become the obsession that it did.

Some of my favorite episodes are because of Alex :: The Tenement [because she was badass], Man in the Mist [because this wa the first use of her psychometry], Darkness Falls & Light of Day [the vampire episodes], La Belle Dame Sans Merci [Mmm... La Belle], Seduction [the whole food sensuality thing], Darkside [Alex dealing with Ms. Darkside, as played by Fionnula Flanigan], Infernal Affairs [the strega deck ep!], & The Beast Within [there WAS the kiss with Derek, which I kinda of liked at the time].

There are a lot of other eps I like, and definitely some I'm missing for specific scenes, but this is a good cross-section...

Day Five :: Least Favorite female character?
This one's easy, too. Kristin Adams. By the time Kristin came into the show, I was quite happy with the team as it was, and didn't want someone else coming in to mess with those dynamics. Plus? It was the third season, and I didn't want some new character coming in to take up airtime for my girls. I was quite toxic about her for a long time, and yet I got a bit teary-eyed when she martyred herself in the final season. A few years ago, I realized that I saw Kristin as a younger, female version of Derek, right down to the whole martyr complex re: sins of the father. And given my issues with Derek, I'm not surprised that this combined with my already stated issues with a new person taking up airtime that could be devoted to the rest of the team.

Now if you consider that when she was initially brought in during the third season [in the episode Enlightened One], which was slated as the last season on Showtime, it was kind of stupid. Yes, SciFi picked up the show for its fourth and final season, but if TPTB knew that Showtime wasn't going to take it beyond that third season [before knowing about SciFi], why bring in another character? Just keep working with the characters you've got.

That said, as I rewatch episodes, I might be softening a bit toward Kristin. The old knee-jerk reactions to her are still strong, but I'm actually trying to look at the character in a more neutral light. Perhaps my mind will be changed, but I can't guarantee anything...

Day Six :: Favorite location?
This is a toss-up between Hatley Castle and Angel Island, tho' I don't know that the actors were actually ever at Angel Island. I first went to Angel Island in March 2000, and I was able to determine the exact location on the island where the castle would be if it was actually there. This was totally based on the background views in the various scenes in the show. When I went to Hatley Castle a few years ago, it was a dream come true. Just being able to see the castle was enough to make me bouncier and giddier than a 3yo on a sugar high. But to do the tour, walk into some of those rooms and just KNOW what they were used for in the show, and that the actors had been in those rooms at one point, was a huge thrill. I really want to go back and do that again one of these years. Just need to get my passport, I guess...

The list of questions on DW & LJ

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

30 day memes, memes :: 2010, tv ramblings

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