Friday Catch Up...

Aug 05, 2011 17:55

So today is my 13 & 13. What's that? That is the anniversary of my original Vow Day that happened 13 years and 13 days ago. My vow had been for a year and a day, taken on "my beach" in Lincoln City, OR. It was the first beach I stepped onto on the West Coast, the first beach where I felt the power of the Pacific Ocean. It was the day I KNEW I was going to live in the Pacific Northwest.

So between this big anniversary for me and the recent situation with the kidney stones, I felt an appropriate sacrifice was necessary. So I cut my hair. Well, actually,
shatterpath cut it, but you get my point. I probably have enough length for something like Locks of Love, but I had a lot of split ends and it was hair that had been colored as of last year, so there's no way that it would have been accepted. Plus, it's my personal sacrifice for my deities and power places. The hair from both the bulk of my head and my juju braid are in sandwich baggies, waiting for their final destinations. We figured that I haven't had my hair cut in probably 2-3 years now, and my juju braid hasn't been cut at all since I started seriously growing it back in late 2006 or early 2007. When we go to visit Lorre in a couple of weeks, I'll have her even out any bits that need evening in my hair, and probably have her color my hair again, too. I want to have my sassy red back, yo!

There's a whole album of shots of the transformation of my hair, which feels wonderful now btw, over here. But here's a before and after shot for the comparison for you...


And while I'm sharing pictures, I couldn't help but take this shot of Gabe. He has this weird thing about showing off that big old belly of his, but when you go to rub it, he shies away like the freak that he is and whines. *rolls eyes* So I managed to snap this pic AND make an icon out of it...

And tonight, I am being dragged along to go squid jigging. We'll leave in a couple hours, spend a couple hours on the dock, and come home. It'll be interesting. Plus, I'm probably going to bring along a little crocheting to do, too. Most likely I'll make another toiletry bag from the new pattern I found and LOVE! More on that later...

Original post @ Dreamwidth with
comments. Commenting is welcome on either post.

washington's natural beauty, juju, personal updates, pets, spirituality, crochet

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