you left me in aberdeen!

Nov 20, 2008 16:58

I had this vague idea that I was probably supposed to wait, but since my recipient has already read it and everything, I figure I can link it now. 'It' in this case is the fic I wrote for the Doctor Who Cliché-Swap Ficathon (other entries over here) or: baby's first Ten/Martha fic since that one I wrote while only halfway through s3. I have an overwhelming case of not wanting to screw with existing canon too much (I know, why the hell do I write fic ever) so I had not really attempted Ten/Martha before, and then writing this I remembered that I love Martha to bits and it was lots of fun.

Wonders of the Universe, which is about as canon-compatible as it could be and has bonus Sea Devils.

tv: doctor who, fic: posted

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