with silver bells

Nov 29, 2008 09:57

So a little while ago, Emma said "how baller would it be if Mary Lennox got to fight vampires?" Obviously the answer is "VERY." She also asked if anyone had written Mary Lennox, vampire slayer; as of yet, that one seems to be an untapped niche market, which I am now exploiting for the purposes of making a birthday present. Happy birthday, nextian! Mary Lennox fighting vampires, for yooou.

This bitch came out 5k, which is even longer than the Faith-and-the-Doctor thing for Ray's birthday. Clearly my winning formula for producing reasonably long fic in a fairly short space of time is "write unlikely Buffy crossovers." Hell, how baller would it be if Faith and Mary Lennox met?

Anyway! ( pretty maids all in a row )

fic: posted, people: emma, fic: crossover, rl: birthday

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