birthday fic

Nov 14, 2008 00:33

I just got back from a concert and what I would really like to do now is collapse, but before I do that: it being after midnight, it is now bakatulip's birthday. I am not sure how it came about, but sometime last week I promised to write her Buffy/Doctor Who crossover birthday fic.

The fact that it came out roughly 4k of words mostly means that I had a lot to say about both worlds. And by "both worlds" I actually mean "how Faith and Ten are both fucked-up puppies". I was in fact tempted to call it Five by Ten but that is a stupid title and makes me assume it should be Five/Ten fic instead. Uh, I would like to pretend that I can write shiny happy birthday fic that does NOT involve Victorian serial killers, but that would be a lie. On the bright side, the fic has various cameos from other Joss-verses and it even sort of has a happy ending, so hopefully it will be an appropriate birthday fic despite the weirdness.

One Continuous Singular Incident in the Life of Faith Lehane. Enjoy! And happy birthday, Ray.

people: ray, tv: doctor who, fic: posted, fic: crossover, tv: buffyverse, rl: birthday

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