yuletide letter

Nov 11, 2008 16:48

Dear Yuletide Writer,

Yay! You are awesome and I thank you.

General notes: I apparently asked for a lot of shippy things this year. In the spirit of this, shippy fic about how two characters end up together makes me a lot happier than fic about an established romantic relationship, so if you choose to go the shippy direction, keep this in mind. You do not have to make your fic shippy, though (unless you're writing me Kiss Kiss Bang Bang). I also apparently asked for plotty things, but if you are not big on plot, don't worry about it; I'd much prefer a good story with very little real plot to an exquisitely plotted story with not much character stuff. That's about it, although the happier the fic the better. Good old-fashioned melancholy is awesome also, but I like my Yuletide fics best when they are happy.


Sherlock Holmes: I am a huge, huge sucker for Holmes fic that reads exactly like one of the adventures, but with Holmes/Watson sneakily accompanying it. If the plot can somehow be tied up with Holmes and Watson getting together, that would be brilliant, but an engaging unrelated mystery will delight me also. If you want to try your hand at convincing Victorian porn, more power to you, but just kissing or even just lots of UST would be equally wonderful. Holmes and Watson getting together would be much better than Holmes and Watson in a comfortable established relationship. Basically, give me Holmes/Watson, a good mystery, and whatever else you'd like.

Chuck: As I said in my note, I really just want a Tale of Chuck and Casey, shippy or otherwise. If you would rather write a Tale of Chuck/Sarah & Casey, or a Tale of Chuck & Casey & Sarah, these options are equally awesome. My best-case scenario would involve some sort of crazy plot that results in Chuck/Casey, but I will be very pleased with any fun story about Chuck and Casey being secret agents; wacky hijinks and all other characters from the show equally welcome.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang: I am extremely easy for any Kiss Kiss Bang Bang fic. Somewhat lazily copying what I already said, I mostly just want Harry/Perry. I'd love for Harry and Harmony not working out to be explained rather than just handwaved, and I'd love the whole thing to be in Harry narration, but other than that anything goes. Harmony can be around or not as you like. I really do mean anything goes; I will be equally delighted with complex plotty spyfic or with Harry And Perry's Gay Christmas. Or both! Just have fun with this one.

Discworld: Here I would like Vimes fic, or Granny fic, or Death fic. If you can do a fic with all three of them, more power to you, but any one of them is fine. Tell me a tale of Vimes and Young Sam! A tale of a crazy magical happening in the Ramtops at Hogswatch! A tale of Death's latest existential crisis! Mostly I just want a story about any one of them being amazing as usual. Any other characters that you'd like to include, I am happy to read about them as well. You will probably get my undying love if you choose too specifically include Vetinari, and you will get my total undying devotion if you manage to write Vimes/Vetinari that is also kind to Sybil, but I do not expect miracles. Just write a good Discworld tale.

I hope this is helpful, and again, thanks for writing me a fic! :)

ol: yuletide

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