Imagine, if you will...
A flower bed filled with crushed rock, over grown with weeds and three flowering shrubs next to my house that is an enormous eyesore while I sit and enjoy the world from my patio.
Now imagine me, hunched over, swearing up a blue streak and cursing anyone who has ever thought filling a flower bed with rock was a good idea as I slowly but surely fill a bucket with rock and then drag it over to another flower bed of crushed rock and dump it (either that or bat my eye lashes at my roommie when he's been home and have him haul it away). Not a pretty picture.
Finally after a few afternoons of doing this as long as my back would let me, I have finished removing the rock from the flower bed. I added some kitchen herbs, tomato plants and a few small flowering plants, leaving the shrubs alone until I can decide where to put them. I also need to find a few more herbs that I want, but other than that, I finally finished this project tonight.
*ticks off one item from her ever growing house to-do list*
Now I just need to figure out what the hell to do with the other four overgown, weed, rock and/or wood chip filled flower beds.